1: Radio Demons - Gotta catch 'em all!

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Sometimes it feels like he's two different people, you know? Sometimes I feel like two different people.

Vox rubbed his temples with the palm of his sweaty hand. It was too hot in here; such a temperature consumed hell and its inhabitants. His fans whirled, pulsing with his breath.

Checking the clock he found there was five minutes left of his work day. God, how could five minutes seem so long?

He pushed the long pile of paper aside and refreshed his email. He couldn't bare to write one more signature - the monotony of the action repulsed him.

Thousands of messages appeared. Yeah, he'd forward that to his assistant - they loved working overtime.

He clicked send, not thinking much of it. He looked towards the name of the file he had forwarded to his assistant, leaning in to take a sip of his coffee before spitting the fluid back out again.

"Shit shit sHIT-" that most definitely was not the right file.
Screw diligent work hours - he might just become the next laughingstock of hell.

The television demon pulled his phone out of his pocket, seeing a thousand unread messages from Velvette and a million missed calls from Valentino. Maybe it was a competition between the two to see who could annoy Vox the most.

"...Sir! how are you?" His assistant mumbled through the phone line. Their voice was quite nasal, and they spoke very fast. "I received the files you sent me, sir. I'll get them done as soon as I can."

"Delete them."

"Why?" Vox could hear them gulp through the phone. "I- oh! You write fanfiction? Me too!"

"Delete them now." His voice grew distorted with agitation - and embarrassment.

"Of course, sir. Whatever you say." However there was something mischievous behind their voice, something Vox could not quite place.

The television demon was interrupted by another call from Val. He grumbled and pinched his forehead in defeat.

"Alright, listen, I'll get back to you in a few hours with the correct files. I strongly advise you to delete the ones I just sent you. Your measly existence depends on it."

Vox hung up without so much as a goodbye - he didn't have time for that. After a long sigh he turned to answer Val.

"I thought you said you never wanted to talk to me again." Vox grumbled through his teeth. His fingers tapped on the desk rhythmically, soothing his nerves. Why were his legs shaking?

"Amorcito, corazón, would I ever? Please, baby, It won't happen again. Come home. You've been cooped up in that office for too long. The bed is cold without you." Cold? Yeah, with Angel Dust and all the rest of his army of whores.

"Val, please, work's a lot right now. I just need some time to myself, okay?"

"Hmph, and I got you a gift as well." Vox's non-existent ears perked up at that.

"What? Please no handcuffs this time."

"When would I have gotten you- oh yes last Halloween." Valentino's melodic voice halted, coming to a monotone ending. "No, it's not anything like that, Voxxy."

He really didn't like the nickname Voxxy. It didn't sit well with him, but Val seemed to like it.

"Please, won't you at least consider dropping by? Don't want to keep him waiting."

Vox gripped his phone. He was meant to be pissed with Valentino. Every time they had a fight, the television demon would promise himself he'd stay mad at Valentino, such promises futile.

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