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Gordon Ramsay has never thought that he could hate someone so much. He was never one of those people. He never truly hated. Despised? Maybe. Couldn't stand? Perhaps. Got annoyed? Definitely. But never the pure hatred that he felt towards the man standing on the other side of Aaron Sanchez.
Ramsay hated his voice. Ramsay hated his clothing. Ramsay hated the sound of his footsteps slowly approaching the table where the dish was set. Gordon Ramsay hated how he couldn't let this man out of the grasp of his eyes. How Ramsay's eyes were always following this man's silhouette around the room. How Gordon couldn't stop savoring the deep baritone when this man would judge another contestant. Gordon Ramsay has never thought that he needed someone so much. He purely hated how much he needed Joe.

Joe has never thought that he could love someone so much. He was never the one to admit pure and infinite love for another human being. He could stand many people. He liked some of them. Adored? Merely anyone. But loved? No, Joe could love only one man. The man that was standing on the other side of Aaron Sanchez.
Joe loved the way that man would furiously look at another incompetent cook. Joe loved the way he would recognize when this man would walk into the room. Joe loved the way this man despised anyone unworthy of his attention. Joe Bastianich has never thought that he could love someone so much. Especially someone who hated him more than anyone else on this entire planet.


"What do you think, Joe? Is he worth the white apron?" Gordon's cold eyes were drilling into Joe's back, as he was standing in front of the dish that was presented to him.
"I'm not so sure. The absolute lack of technique definitely makes this dish of questionable quality" Joe responded, turning around and slowly walking to his seat. He tried to avoid Gordon's eyes that were still pinned to his figure.
"Well, I think there is a great amount of potential there" said Aaron, clapping his hands together. The loud noise made Gordon jump a little, taking his attention from Joe back to the contestant.
"I don't think we could teach her finesse and, unfortunately, her lack of technique makes it a "no" for me" Joe gave the dish a final look, raising his gaze onto the female contestant.
"Yeah, I'm sorry Anna but this is just not good enough. Your dish hasn't impressed me and Joe, which means your path to MasterChef ends here, my darling" Gordon put his hands to his lips, not a single ounce of regret in his eyes, but the posture itself suggests that he might actually be sorry.
"Thank you anyways, guys. I appreciate the opportunity to be here and cook for all of you" said Anna as she turned around and slowly walked towards the big, shiny doors and the end of a corridor. She definitely didn't have good news for her family today. Such a shame, they supported her through and through every time.
As the doors shut after the contestant's exit, Aaron stood up from his seat.
"I think we made a big mistake, guys. She might've lacked the finesse and technique, but the flavors of her dish show such great potential. I haven't tasted anything as close to this sea bass the entire day! I think I should go and give her the apron," he started swiftly walking towards the dimly lit corridor that Anna walked through just a minute ago "I feel like Anna can definitely become the winner if we give her a chance."
"I don't think she has anything else up her sleeves, Aaron. She couldn't even cut that fish properly! What a joke" said Joe as Aaron waved his hand at something and continued to walk through the corridor, almost reaching the doors.
"At least I will know that I didn't waste a talent!" said Aaron right before exiting the room.
"We will regret this" Joe's mood was definitely not a pleasant one. He slowly stood from his chair, wiping his face tiredly as he walked back and forth around his chair.
"You look tired, Joe. Want me to tell them to finish it early today?" Gordon was worried. He is not one of those who easily gets worried, but Joe was special.
"I don't need your pity, Ramsay. I'm not exhausted, you know, just tired" Joe suddenly felt warmth spilling in his chest. He knew Gordon cared. He cared enough to even stop filming MasterChef. But Gordon would never admit it. He would never say it out loud. Gordon hated how weak he would sound and Joe knew that.
As Joe's pacing was coming to an end, he heard a quiet creek of the chair. Gordon changed his position, probably also tired from filming for the past 6 hours. These little bar stools were not the comfiest and Joe knew that very well.
"We will definitely reg-" as Joe started berating Aaron's choice about Anna's white apron, he felt heavy hands on his shoulders. Gordon Ramsay was slowly moving his hands around Joe's shoulders, down his back and back up to his neck. His hands were shaking a little, probably from how much work Ramsay has had for the past few months. He had to keep up with all of his restaurants on top of filming few different shows. Despite the shaking, Gordon's hands were warm and felt like heaven running up and down Joe's back. He hasn't had a massage in a while and the little rubbing wouldn't hurt anyone, especially since Gordon and Joe were completely alone for right now. Of course, the cameramen were following a more exiting part of the show, as of right now, which was Aaron retrieving another contestant who was "falsely" sent home but is full of "potential" and "raw talent".
"What a joke" said Joe inside of his head.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 10 ⏰

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