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Tsukasa Tenma, A star who's loved globally, performing for many years and his talent is hard to beat. The group disbanded after Tsukasa's fame got to his head, leaving everyone behind, The group, his family, even Rui Kamishiro... oh how he missed Rui.. But Tsukasa would never show his feeling externally, he knew better than to. They were still technically together, they never broke up. But Tsukasa assumed they were over, cried often, missing the comfort that Rui used to give to him. Would Rui still love him after he left..? all the thoughts rush to Tsukasa, he was attempting to quit his new found addiction, smoking. He was going through withdrawals and the thoughts where messing with him. Tsukasa starts fiddling with his jackets zipper, pulling it up and down in a repeatable pattern, slowly and steady. Laying on his sofa looking at the roof of his apartment, mumbling some songs that was stuck in his head. His phone luminated the room as someone rang his number, it was an unknown number. "Hello?" Tsukasa whispered in a soft mumbling tone. "Is this Tsukasa Tenma?" the unknown voice blurted out, Tsukasa was about to hang up, assuming his number got leaked and fans were calling him when.. "This is the hospital calling you in concern of Rui Kamishiro," Tsukasa's eyes widen sightly. He was still Rui's emergency contact. Tsukasa listened in close to the person. The nurse described the accident, one of the robots impacted, causing a massive amount of damage to Rui's body. He survived but he was in bad condition. Tsukasa didn't know if he should go over to the hospital and attempt to support and comfort Rui, or if that would just cause him more pain. Tsukasa had a solid think on it, before gradually removing himself from the couch, grunting as he stretched, lifting his clothes off, changing into something that's more socially acceptable. He switched his phone's location off, sneaking out, making sure there was no paparazzi nearby, not wanting them to follow him, interrupting Rui's recovering. Diving into the drivers seat, adjusting his position, resting his head on the wheel, mentally preparing himself to go see his partner after having no contact for years. Turning on his car, he turns on the car's radio, having left on of the old disc in the car. He listened to songs from the group, missing the thrill that they used to have while performing the music. Humming along, barely remember any of the lyrics. The drive to the hospital felt numb, as Tsukasa is flooded with old grimaces from the group, all the arguments they had in the past, those thoughts haunted him. He was an actual dick to everyone there, he put himself first, everything had to revolve about him. He was too prideful for his own good, messing everything up. It crazy what fame does to people. "Rui Kamishiro? I'm here to visit him." Tsukasa gently spoke in the ward, it was quiet, too quiet. "And what's your relations to the patient?" the nurse muttered, wanting to get her shift over with. Tsukasa looked at her with a blank stare. "..I suppose I'm a friend..?" The nurse lets him into the ward. "Bed 14, just on the left, over there." The nurse points him into a direction. Tsukasa grips tightly onto his bag, as he walked past the sick people, coughing and wheezing. When Tsukasa walked into the room, everything was quiet, Rui was asleep. Tsukasa, just watched peering down at the man sleeping below him. Tsukasa gently places his hand down on Rui's face, rubbing his cheek gently. Rui started to stir awake. "Tsukasa-Kun?" Rui whispered a soft tone, mumbling and rubbing his eyes. "Rui.. what did you do to yourself.." Rui blinked, trying to understand what was happening, why was Tsukasa there..? he left so long ago, never made any contact, and now he's showing up..? "Tsukasa.. where has you been all this time..? you haven't made any attempt to even just call... not once.." Tsukasa frowned unaware of the troubles he caused by not talking to anyone from his past. "Maybe I should go." Tsukasa snapped, not wanting to cause anymore pressure on Rui, maybe it would be better if he left. As Tsukasa stood up, Rui lightly grabbed onto his hand, "You think leaving me again is going to be the best option..? Please don't go my star." An old nickname Rui used to give Tsukasa before he left. He turns his head around. "Pardon..?" Tsukasa looks at him, did Rui still love him..? "My star, my bright shining star." Rui whispered gently, both sharing a moment together, just looking at each other. "..I-.. I should head out, it's almost time that visiting hours are over.." Tsukasa looked at Rui's body, just scanning over the bandages he had. Rui just stares at him in disbelief "You're really going now?!" Rui blurted out. "You're going to keep in contact this time..? right..?" Rui whispered, almost tearing up, he is really emotionally vulnerable at this point of time. "I will." Tsukasa gently handed him his phone having it open to his number. Rui types it into his phone, saving the contact into his phone.  


Sorry if its bad, its my first attempt of writing fanfiction.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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