Selfish, Heartbreaking Love

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Yiling Kingdom's Crown Prince Wei was in love with the famous palace dancer in his great kingdom.

However, she was never in love with him, and was a maiden who deeply loved dance, but she was in love with a fellow singer named Lan WangJi even more.
..She loved him so much, and that was the reason why she came to the palace as a dancer , to enjoy seeing him every day ..

One day, Prince Wei heard of this and decided to banish singer and dancer Lan from outside the kingdom, In order for the dancer to remain for him alone, and not to be rivaled by anyone, but she decided to escape from the palace because her lover would be exiled outside it.

The prince knew of her escape and decided to kill her because the laws say that every fugitive from the palace shall be executed.

The dancer dies and singer Lan's ban has been rescinded. After a while, Prince Wei Ying's relationship with dancer WangJi improved, and he told him about his love for the dancer who was killed.. They became more than friends over time.

But one day the king became aware of the two's strong relationship and decided to execute the dancer Lan because there were many rumors about the two's relationship ...  And before Lan WangJi's death, he left a sentence to the governor saying "You will regret it."

The dancer Lan died by being hanged with a very thin Clothesline, while Prince Wei died of suicide due to his guilt towards the dancer and his friend Lan Zhan, whom he had become very much in love with him.

Because he had no friends before, but he fell in love with singer Lan WangJi as a friend and as a man.

The king collapsed after the death of his son and the kingdom fell and collapsed and the neighboring kingdom occupied it, only then the king understood the meaning and foretelling of the dead Lan by his confusing words..

But he didn't know that Lan WangJi was the prince of the vampire empire who gave up his title and position for his love of freedom and singing. And the main feature of vampires, especially the ruling family, is to return to life 100 years after their death, In addition to their ability to turn humans into vampires..

After a hundred years, Lan WangJi came back to life with the same face and physical age as the first time he died, [30 years] ..

Then he set out to search for his beloved Prince Wei, because the time of his awakening could be a week after him,

YES .. He turned his lover into his family's race(vampires) before his execution, he didn't explain anything to WuXian at that time.

Anyway, Lan WangJi found his lover, confused by himself, 'Did he not die? Didn't he kill himself?'  But he forgot all that when he saw his soulmate Lan Zhan.

Nevertheless, the progress of their relationship was not easy. However, they tried to live in the best way possible and they achieved their happiness together.

  Where the ruling of the occupied kingdom returned to Prince Wei WuXian and Lan Wangji returned to being a singer, but this time as the king's husband.

The End.

Omg!!! Posting things from my 2020 notes sure are crazy!! Half of them were Taekook ff for my own satisfaction, this included lmao 😂

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this.

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