Recording One, Meeting room.

19 1 0

???: "Good morning, Ma'am."

"I suppose you know what we're talking about here?"

???: "Yes, Though I suppose you owe me a few extra details."

???: "Hmm, Yes... Though I feel as though that is not important?"

???: "Who knows, It might always be."

???: "Ahaha, You always know how to tease me O#$&#$#@."

???: "Now, Who are we talking about again?"

???: "Red, The whole IDIC is talking about her."

???: "Hm.. Really?"

???: "Yes, I do suppose she gained popularity for.. Using the powers she had in moderation."

???: "So, What's the deal you mentioned about back there?"

???: "Ah, Yes. The deal."

"We Isekai Red... Into your universe, Since I know you've been aching for some competition."

???: "Hmm.. Yes, I suppose I have mentioned that.."

???: "Once.. She has completed Remnant though, We shall do so."

???: "Why not now?"

???: "We must not interfere with the balance, No?"

???: "I agree..."

???: "So is this a Deal then?"

???: "Yes, It is."

Red's Misadventures, Volume 1: Duality of the seasWhere stories live. Discover now