3 0 0

TW: self harm, suicidal/suicide

Who cares when I drop,
When everything inside decides to stop?
Who cares when there's blood on my wrists,
Who notices Im losing my grip?
Who fucking cares about me,

No one.

I'm a joke, a bitch, a shit.
Who bothered when I sat there nails in my arm,
Who cares about me and my self harm?
Who wants to know if I'm okay,
Who wants me okay?

No one.

I'm dying slowly,
Every cut, every poke, every prayer to be choked.
I want to die.
Who wants me to die?

"Me, me, me.!" They scream.
Me too...

My eyes in the mirror, red as the blood on my clothes,
But who cares about a 'useless hoe'.
I'm a place holder in a game except...
I'm less than that, why should I be kept?

If u want me dead say it...
Cause I sure as hell do.

Concealed ThoughtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang