Prologue Part 1: The start of the end

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Bob POV:

(I woke up with a huge gasp, I was all wet, my heartbeat was crazy and I couldn't see where I was exactly, I could barely see where I was... Then I blinked twice and I managed to see properly now, I looked around the place I was, without having knowledge on what happend... How did I get here? What happend to them? I started to think, and after awhile... I finally remembered...)

Bosip POV:

(It was a Saturday evening, Me and Bob were going to have a nice hangout, it's been awhile since he both went to one... I was choosing the coat I could wear when I heard a knock on the door, I inmediately knew who it was)

"Bosip, You almost done man?"

(Heh... That energetic and charismatic voice... It was no other than Bob, he seemed pretty excited, and he doesn't like waiting to much, I smiled once I heard his voice and finally found a coat to wear)

"Yea, yea, I'm coming!"

(I replied as I put my coat on and looked at myself at the mirror, I don't know how my life would be without him... It would be a hell if he wasn't with me... Gosh... I love him... And I will never stop loving him... I opened the door and saw Bob, he smiled to me, I could see how excited he was)

"So, ready to go now?

"Heck yea!"

"Let's go then!"

(We got downstairs and then left our home, Bob talked all the way to the park, just telling me how good he is on Minecraft, just the usual stuff that Bob would do... I was so focused listening to him, and when I looked at the enviroment something seemed off... I... I couldn't explain why though...)

(But I just felt it, until... I saw a tree with some birds... And it looked like they were... Glitching...?! That inmediately scared me, I thought it was just my hallucination... But it wasn't when I blinked twice... Bob was still talking... But the more I looked... The more things dissapeard...)

"Hey Bosip?"


(My thoughts were cut off by Bob who called me, I looked at him still with a worried look, he seem kinda concerned and worried)

"You're ok...?"

(He asked a bit insecure of it... Bob really cares about me... And I'm happy he does, but... I didn't want him to get scared...)

"Y-Yea... I'm ok..."

(I obviously lied... I just... I just couldn't let Bob know...)

"Bosip, you know you can tell me anything..."

"I know... But, let's not focus on that now... Just enjoy our time together...!"

(Bob seems concerned by my statement... he knew something was off with me...  he tried to speak to me... but I quickly grabbed him by the hand... with a smile... as we both walked to the park together as we had planned...)

(Time flied by... now we where on our way back home...  a soothing breeze went trough my hair... yet it send me shivers down my spine... I looked around.. seeing the sunset... a scary yeat beautiful sight... as the trees glitched and birds dissapears in my eyes...)

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