VI ( Wait ..What !!)

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                                             Arohi's P.O.V 

I said "Actually I have to leave right now"

"For Arsi's sleepover " said Vaira completing my sentence.

Dashith asked with a grin," Can we join you guys?"

"Yeah, sure if you are a girl after all its  girls sleepover" I said with a innocent smile. His grin disappeared like it wasn't there before. Armaan said," Bro we are invited to Arsi's sleepover." Vaira was confused he said, "While you guys were talking, I asked her and she said yes."

I asked a question which was nagging me for a while, " How did the food fight start?"

Dashith said sheepishly, " After you went, I was join the snacks while daydreaming about them when Aryaan teased me so I tried throwing the cupcake on his face but it landed on Armaan and rest is history."

( Skipping to Arsi's home)

We had a blast at her sleepover. We played many types of games, you name it, had a movie marathon and finally it was time to sleep. We all were very exhausted . I excused myself to get a glass of water, playing and watching movies does makes people tired after all. I took a glass of water and gulped down it. I was planning to leave the kitchen when Zara came in, I asked if she wanted water too but she shook her head and said," Actually I want to tell you something."

"hmm, I am listening" I said. Zara and I made a promise not to tell anyone else except one person. 

Zara first peeked outside the kitchen to see if someone was eavesdropping on us and took a deep breath then asked ,"Do you have a crush ?" I shook my head to say no. She continued," How would you react if someone likes you?" with a little hope in her eyes. I said," Get to the point Zara." Once again she took a deep breath and said , " Ishaan likes you" then sighed like it was a secret which she kept within herself for very long. My jaw dropped, eyes widening in disbelief, as if a sudden jolt of electricity had coursed through my veins leaving them momentarily stunned. My hand flew to my mouth, muffling an involuntary gasp. That fact  stole the air from my lungs, leaving me breathless. I felt like thunder struck me, I was speechless for a moment. After few moments I stammered, "You are j-joking?" She shook her head. It was unbelievable for my mind to process that. I questioned her how she said," If you want to know how? then you should ask him ." After saying that she left the kitchen.

A chain of thoughts came in my mind, then I realized that the girl he was talking about was none other than me. I'm sure my face turned red which could put beetroot to shame. I ran out of kitchen and joined others. Then the ever observing Aryaan bhaiya asked me," Whoa, Arohi what got you blushing like a tomato?" I d-don't know what you're talking about!, and I am not blushing I just ran from kitchen to here" I stammered. " But  Aryaan wasn't asking if you know something?" said Armaan with a glint in his eyes. Stupid git, I cursed in my mind and made a mental note to get revenge from him. "Stop it Armaan " said the ever peacemaker that is Arsi. My blush disappeared while making the mental note but our conversation made everyone turn towards us. I saw Ishaan looking at me which made that stupid blush return.

Sorry for short chapter, Lots of love from💖

- author

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