Chapter 6

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Oblivious to the gathering crowds of reporters, I walk into the gates of UA, oblivious until I hear the shrieking voice of Present Mic.
"They are kinda trespassing on private property, thats breaking a law. So how about we just beat em up a bit, huh Erasure?"

I look back at the hordes of reporters, I rush inside, hoping to avoid being noticed.
"Wow, UA really is amazing.. and I can't believe I'm actually here! It's-"
I bump into someone's chest, I look up to see a tall man with unruly purple hair and tired eyes.
"Uh.. sorry"
He doesn't respond, and just walks off into a General Studies classroom.

Eventually, I make it to the classroom, taking my seat. In the back I see Iida deep in a book. He really does get here early....
I see the green haired boy, Midoriya, who he makes eye contact with me his eyes light up and he rushes over to me, pulling a notebook out of his pocket.
"Hey there! I'm Midoriya! Anyways I was wondering if you could tell me what your quirk is? Along with any other abilities or capabilities-"

My eyes widen, he talked so fast, and now he was just..nerdin out.
"Get out of the way Deku!"
"Ah! Uh, sorry Katchan!"
Midoriya jumps, and in a flash is out of his way, almost dropping his notebook in the process.

My brows furrowed slightly, I never understood why Midoriya was so nice to him...oh well, it's not my problem, not now at least.

Before long Mr. Aizawa calls our attention.
"Listen up, tomorrow we will be taking a trip to a specialized training ground, this place was built for search and rescue training."
Some members of the class erupt in cheer.
"But before that, you all must pick a class representative. I dont care how, just do it before I wake up" He adds whilst climbing into his yellow sleeping bag
Immediately the class erupted in a shout of chaos.
"Sick! I would be a great class rep!" Mine shouts with glee.
"I believe I would be the best, logic is what wins after all" Momo's sing-song voice chimes in.
Bakugo yells, causing me to lay my head on my desk and fold my hands over it.

Somewhere behind me Iida stands up raising his hand above his head.
"Everyone listen up! We will have a vote, whoever has the most, wins!"
"Yeah but everyone'll just vote for themselves" Kaminari adds.

Despite this, everyone sends in their votes, writing them up on the screen. Midoriya had three, Momo two, a bunch of other kids 1, including Iida. I look over, smiling when I see his surprised face. I probably wouldn't tell him it was I who voted for him, I look back up at the board. There were only three people who had none, Todoroki, Ochaco, and me of course.

I zoned out as our new class rep and assistant rep stepped up to the front, Midoriya and Momo. Midoriya bumbled out a..mostly unintelligible speech of stutters. Soon enough the bell rang and we were heading to lunch.
"Hey Koyomi! Come sit with us!"
I look over, of course it was Kirishima...along with Sero and Bakugo.
Sero jumps in, Bakugo rolls his eyes but didn't seem to care, which was better than him being annoyed.

We sat down on the end of a long table in the cafeteria. Just having and idle chat, well idle meaning Kirishima and Sero joking around while Bakugo occasionally yells at them.
It wasn't long before a siren went off, echoing off the tall walls of the lunch room.
"Thats the security alert? Someone broke in!"
"Thats impossible! UA's security is the best in the country!"
"Well whatever it is we gotta get out of here!"

It was like a stampede, before I could even get my bearings on what was going in I was swept into the crowd. It was one of those moments I wished I was tall...I was jostled about, almost stomped on a few times. I was slammed forward into somebody, I knew automatically who it was. The hardened muscle of his back, the musty smell of cologne almost entirely masked by the sweat of his fiery behavior.
Thankfully, Bakugo didn't notice or care, so I stayed there, my head against his back, less people ran into me the closer I was to him, probably because of the sparks he was letting off from his hands.

But my luck could only last so long, he swiveled around.
He froze when he saw me shrink down, flinching back. I could have sworn I saw those red eyes soften, though in that state it was probably more like narrow in anger.

The moment was interrupted when we heard a voice shout, everyone went silent and looked up. It was Iida on a ledge against the large doors, glued to the wall positioned like a exit sign man.
"Everyone please calm down, there is nothing to worry about! The infiltrates are only reporters and Erasurehead and Present Mic are already dealing with them!"

I sigh in relief, forgetting about Bakugo for a moment as we all head back to the classroom.

I decide to actually pay attention this time as Midoriya starts his speech.
"I thank you for voting for me, but today I realized something, I still have a lot to learn. Today during lunch I just stood by as we were all rushing to escape. So that's why I'm giving the title of Class Rep to Iida!"

Iida stands, I swear I could see his eyes tear up, though I couldn't understand why. Its just a title, but still, he looked so happy.. and I'm happy for him too.

I smile as the bell rings, another end to another day.

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