💥Chapter 7

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Bakugo growls, kicking a rock across the ground as he walks home. Today was boring, and uneventful.
"All I got to do was sit back and watch Deku mutter out some stupid speech."
He huffy.
"Like I care about being class rep anyways"

He grumbles the rest of the way home, he opens the door and shuts it, slinging his backpack onto the couch and kicking of his shoes, immediately storming up the stairs.
"Hey hon, how was your day?"
His mother, Mitsuki asks with a smile.
"Like I'd tell you."
Bakugo growls and slams the door to his room.
"KATSUKI! ugh.. that boy"
She sighs and heads downstairs.

Meanwhile, Bakugo lays on his bed, tossing and turning. For some reason, he recalls the events of that day. How it felt when he felt a head on his back amidst the crowd. And how he looked back and saw Koyomi, she was the last person he expected so see.

Unbeknownst to himself, Bakugo fell asleep with a smile.


(Apologize for the shortness, here is the playlist I was talking about earlier)
Chapter 1: goodbye to the world, DENDIPAPPEY
Chapter 2: Creep, Radiohead.
Chapter 3: Cracks (Flux Pavillion remix), Freestylers.
Chapter 4: Mad World, Tears for Fears.
Chapter 5: The Spectre, Alan Walker and Impossible James Arthur.
Chapter 6: St. Elmo's Fire, John Parr
Chapter 7: Crystallize, Lindsey Stirling.

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