💥Chapter 9

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"Damn! what the hell! This can't be part of training... no.. damn there's so many. Aizawa can't think he can take all of them down can he?"
Bakugo scowled.
Bakugo yelled, his fingertips exploding to emphasize his point. But then, as he glared down at the villains he noticed something, the man in the middle was staring up at them.. he followed the man's gaze, leading his eyes to lock onto Koyomi's profile.
Her eyes were wide, and she was shaking slightly,.


Bakugo noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye, the man was pointing up at them.
"Kurogiri! Handle the kids!"
His voice was raspy and hate filled.

Bakugo's eyes widened as the purple haze appeared before them.
Its deep voice thundered about us, the screams of his classmates pierce Bakugo's ears. He makes eye contact with Kirishima.
"Get behind me!" 13 yells, preparing her black hole. It goes unnoticed by the two.


The two leap forward, both with a huge force of energy behind their punches, as they swing, they hit nothing.
Bakugo's eyes widen.
"I didn't hit-"

Then, so many things happened at once; Kurogiri flipped 13's black hole, causing her to suck in her own back and fall nearly unconscious, Kirishima and Bakugo landed as the haze seemed to envelope the class with another layer of its circular cage.

"This is what becoming a hero gets you"
Kurogiri sends forward a column if mist, so condensed it hits with the force of a solid.

A slight shimmer of light seemed to ripple like lightning through one of the walls of haze. Right before the blast hits the two, it dissipates as it hits with another force.
There is a slight puff of blueish white and purple smoke, then a figure standing a bit in front of where Bakugo is, blade of pale light held tightly in their gloved hand. With the other hand she adjusts her flat, straw hat. Her eyes the color of a glowing moon, solid white, then with a blink return to normal.

"What's this? You blocked my attack? Not bad for a first year. But you see I was trying to prove a point here, and you interupted. Must have very bad manners, Perhaps I need to teach you a lesson." He raises his voice so the rest of the class could hear.
"This is what happens to those who fight against the League!"

Koyomi steps back, but it was too late, in a flash she was gone, enveloped in the purple mist.
Bakugo's eyes widen when he hears a loud crash behind him, the whole class turns around as dust from the crash drifted up behind some rock walls in the Mountains zone.

"Guys, we could hear that all the way from here!" Mina squeals.


Bakugo rushes forward, but before he can even come close he fell through a portal of mist.


(Hope yall liked this one, took me so long lol. Anyways the song for this chapter is Anywhere by Anahata Nightcore. The next 2 chapters might be pretty short so I apologize)

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