6. The Phone Call

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I cry into my pillow as my phone buzzes for the millionth time. I shouldn't have given Pattie my number. Justin keeps calling and texting me asking to meet up and talk. What could he possibly have to say? It's been three years of silence. I had to grieve the loss of my best friend and move on despite the immense pain. And now he wants to sit and chat over milkshakes like none of that ever happened?

I was 18 when he told me we could no longer be friends. Justin was 19. We were teenagers who bonded over a love for music at LA County High School for the Arts. We met when I was 13 and he was 14. Justin very quickly became my whole world. No one had ever been kind to me. Not even my own parents. He knew that. And he still left after five years of what I thought was an amazing friendship. No explanation. I was young and naive then, but now I'm 21 and I'm not so naive anymore. He's not going to trick me into trusting him again.

The phone buzzes again and I sigh in exasperation before rolling over in my bed to grab it. I scroll through my notifications. 56 missed calls. 45 voicemails. 103 text messages. I won't be listening to any voicemails or reading any texts. It'll only make it more difficult to shut him out. God, just tell me what I should do, I think to myself, closing my eyes. Right on cue, my phone rings again and I feel a tug in my heart. I click the green button to accept the call but I stay silent.


"Jelly? I mean—Milan? Sorry, I forgot you said not to call you by your nickname. I know I have to earn that back. I promise I will earn your trust back. Just give me a chance. One conversation. Please."

I can hear in his voice that he's been crying. I know him well. Even after all this time, it still breaks my heart to hear him sad.

"I know you're there. Please say something, love."

Justin sniffles softly. I sigh, finally breaking the silence.

"Listen, you've got one hour. If I don't like what I hear, I'm gone. And you and Pattie can't contact me again. Got it?" I say firmly.

"Yes! Deal! Thank you. Thank you so much for hearing me out, Milan. I promise you won't regret it." 

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