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What will they say about you when you reveal your secrets?
What is hidden for fear of knowing?
When you hear the "boo" at concerts,
And witches sing more truths than the one who claims to be prophesying.

How many realities are hidden behind masks,
Or you haven't realized yet that it's not a war if there is no answer,
Don't celebrate a win in a game against someone who wasn't playing, I ask,
Who will be our savior, who will be our revealer.

Who is freer,
Who do you support?,
What do you think about the human being, kinder,
When the person you love the most prefers someone without a brain just for boxing, to someone who has done a thousand other things in silence, apart from...

He just had to talk to her, have a good physique, money, be "nice", and wait,
I had to cry, suffer, work, think, show, and make you understand how much I love you,
Without a result, for you to give a split,
And I didn't get anything, so how should I behave?

Like a pedophile, an abuser, a misogynist, and another synonym?
Like an asshole, A rapist, an enslaver,

What rhyme do you need...

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now