Chapter 12

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"People need to be told they're worthy of being Alive by someone else or  they can't go on"              

I woke up in UA's hospital bed, my head throbbing. I groan, lifting up my blanket and looking down, one of my arms was entirely bandaged along with my shoulders and all the way down my chest till right above my belly button. I plop back down with a sigh.

Giving myself words of encouragement I somehow manage to make it out of bed and change into my uniform, seeing how school was going to start soon.
"Perfect timing..almost ironic"

I stumbled out of bed and down the hallways, before I turn the handle to class 1-A I hear Iida's voice from down the hallway, along with the sound of running.
I rub my eye, "uh, hey Iida.."
"You're alright!" He exclaims with joy and relief.
"Hehe, yep.. thats me"

The two of us walk into the classroom, we were the first ones there. I widen my own eyes, trying to get them to stay open before closing them again, I sit down in my seat still feeling a bit weak.

I cross my arms and lay my chin on them, zoning out, completely oblivious to whats going on around me.
"Damn, you got beat up pretty good didn't you, extra."

I blink before glancing up at him, I forgot for a moment that my whole arm was bandaged, along with the top of my head. I look down again.

He didn't reply and just sat down in his seat. I didn't really care, I was still very tired.

I listen in on some of my classmates conversations.
"So, you guys think there will be a substitute for Mr. Aizawa?"
"Definitely! You saw how beat up he was!"
"I dunno man..I just hope he's ok."

We hear the doorknob turn, all of us look up to see Mr Aizawa walk in, his entire face and..anywhere else there is visible skin bandaged.

"Now that is being a hero.." I hear Kaminari whisper. I can't help but agree.

"As you all know its been a few days since the Incident at USJ, no other villain attacks have been initiated. So we teachers decide to hold the annual UA Sports Festival in three weeks, Midoriya?"
The boy lowers his raise hand.
"Excuse me sir but, UA just got attacked by villains! Do you really think it's safe to hold the Sports Fest right afterwards?"

Mr. Aizawa nods, "I understand your concern, but do not worry, we will be doubling down on security. Anyways, train hard and don't get sloppy. I expect my class to come out on top."

He looks over at me. "Koyomi, I am well aware you just woke up today. If you dont know you were out cold for three days." My eyes widen, that long?
"And as you are still not fully healed I do not think it is wise for you to compete. However, this is a big opportunity so I'll give you a choice."

I look down, then hesitantly back up at him.
"I'll do it Mr. Aizawa."
He nods.

"Class dismissed"

I walk Aunty Ez' restaurant Mizu, immediately to be greeted with a tight hug.
"Koyomi I was worried sick! When I heard the villains got you I was terrified. Oh, look at you now." She runs her finger over the scar on my cheek, "look what they did to your beautiful face"
I hug her back
"I'm ok Aunty Ez"

"Oh stop it you big wuss, now get upstairs and find Tourī, he's been worried sick"
I nod and rush upstairs, not bothering to take off ny uniform and change into something else.
"Tourī?" I call out softly.
I hear a thud in a study room, I peek through the doorway to see Tourī standing there looking surprised.
I giggle, "hey Tourī"
"Wow...I mean hey. Get some food then some sleep, you need it after what you've been through."
"I will, don't worry"


I smile, the three of us sitting at a table. The areas of my skin that are bandaged only lightly tingling, not the aches they were before. But I dont mind either way, because I'm with my friends in the end.

(I know that was a bad end I apologize, I dont have a song for this chapter so choose whatever you want.)

Worst MistakeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora