Elevator Ride

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There are people in the world who prefer their Christmas gifts to be wrapped in packages that match the size of said gift; and there are people in the world who find it hilarious to wrap a small gift in a large box. Christmas pranks and silliness are something that twenty year old Kaylee Master's found enjoyable. Her good friend Jasper Smith on the other hand was not a fan. She would have to hear all about this the day Jasper opened a giant giraffe shaped box only to find a small package with a new watch inside.

Then a large elephant shaped box with a gift card inside. The list went on, eventually he would have someone else open the gifts and not show him the way they were wrapped because he couldn't stand it. "It's a waste of materials for one and it's cruel to get one's hopes up like that." he had said, the next morning.

"You thought I actually gave you an elephant?" was Kaylee's reply followed by laughter. When her friend didn't join in on the laughter, she stopped and followed up with an apology. "It won't happen again, I promise," she said as she and her sister Megan stepped onto the elevator. They were on their way to check on their friend Katie who had recently broken her arm after an ice skating accident.

Megan bit her lip in an attempt to keep from laughing, as she was sure she could hear the sound of Jasper's voice on the other end of the line saying 'it better not.' Or perhaps that was just her mind knowing exactly what their friend would be saying at that moment.

Kaylee gave Megan an apologetic look, as she kept the phone to her ear listening to Jasper. She mouthed the words 'sorry, I didn't expect this to go on for so long.'

Megan only shrugged. "I mean, if he can't lecture you at the apartment, why not do it over the phone?" She looked away so her sister couldn't see the poor attempt that was made to hold back laughter. When she glanced back, Kaylee was rolling her eyes.

"Okay, okay I get it, Jas," Kaylee said, trying to cut her friend off. She sighed quietly, hoping Jasper would wrap this up. "What? Oh yeah, I'm still listening," she said after hearing her friend sounding increasingly frustrated. Kaylee leaned against the elevator wall, she made an attempt to adjust the phone in her hand, but instead accidentally hit the button to hang up. "Oops." Maybe that wasn't actually an accident.

"Everything okay?" Megan asked, as the elevator stopped to let another person on.

"Yeah, yeah.. Jasper's just being a-" Kaylee stopped, her eyes widening as the man she was just about to insult stepped into the elevator.

Jasper glared for a moment. "Jasper's just being a what?" the man asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"A uh- a nice caring friend?" She tried to cover up the fact she was about to call him an asshole. It was a poor attempt, even without context that sentence didn't make sense with her tone.

Jasper rolled his eyes. "Don't think this is over, Masters..." he started as the elevator began to go up again.

I need a vacation, Megan thought, as she looked up at the ceiling. She knew this would not be a pleasant elevator ride based on how tense things had become. "Look, I don't know what happened. But I'm sure it was an accident," she attempted to defend her sister.

"And how exactly does one accidentally gift wrap someones gifts so huge for something so little?" Jasper replied, a coolness to his voice. He really was not happy.

Megan's eyes widened a bit, when she finally found out what had happened. She covered her mouth to try to hold back her laugh again. "Th-That's what this is about?" She turned her head, as she giggled just a bit. Then looked back to Jasper face completely serious. "My sister is a black belt in Christmas present wrapping."

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