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Alan "Pete we should find Jeff as soon as possible we don't have time "

Pete " I know. I will go to that side and Alan you go to the other side "

Alan nodded and gone to other side . Pete who was going to another way as he was looking through every door to find Jeff he reaches the end as he was about to open the door Alan called him Pete we found him come we need to move as Pete was about to go he heard a voice familiar coming from inside the door as he open the room was dark he could see a body laying on the floor as he goes near as he moved him say a heart breaking sight.

Pete :  way.....way... Wake up .... Can you hear me way.....

Way was laying on the floor with full of beries and cut . Ways cloths were torn and Pete could see blood coming from this tights to way was unconscious Pete took him in his strong arms he came out from the room carrying way in his arms .
Alan saw the sight and ran to him .

Alan : Pete what happened. Way wake up how did this happen Pete we have to move .

Pete was trying his hard not to cry .
Trying to be strong Pete,Alan and Jeff ran to the entrence as they reached the other members of x hunters reached there they saw Pete carrying way in his arms they could see blood coming from the taights aa they saw this scene the ran to him babe was the one who ran and reached there .

Babe : uncle what is this what happened
Babe removed his jacket and placed on way to cover him .the ran to the van and rushed to the hospital

To be continued...

Hi gays I don't know what to say but gays I will update the chapter tomorrow itself even I couldn't sit still

Gays .. am not a good writer but there will be some mistakes too but please don't hate me mistakes happens ...
Soo stay tuned gays

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