Kyan: Part 1

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"Mom! Mom! Mumma!" A young child's voice cheerily called out. "Look I made this for you in scho-" The child's voice trailed off into an inaudible whisper at the sight of his mother passed out the table, empty bottles of alcohol scattered across the room. The child slowly backed away from the room, clutching in his hand tightly the brooch he so lovingly made for his mother. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him to the backyard, he hid behind some berry bushes that were now overgrown, hiding from the view of the world. Tears started to stream down his face as he replayed all the happy memories they had together.

A loud yell from his coworker jolted him awake from his trance."Sorry...did you say something..?" He mumbled, the memories of his past replaying in his head over and over again like a recorded cassette tape.

The past may or may not repeat itself but the memories play in your head forever.

He collected whatever little stuff he had back at the cafe and headed home, one last time before it all ended for good. His steps were slow and small, he took in the scent of the soil after the rain painted the trees green again, the sky was still covered with a sheet of dark clouds and thunder could be heard off in a distance. He was happy, he needed an excuse to not go home tonight and rain would be the perfect one, not too long after tiny droplets fell on him soon replaced by heavy showers. He walked mindlessly on the sidewalk till he saw lights coming from an open store. Salvation. He thought to himself and walked into the nearly empty store, he stepped towards the food section hoping to browse through and pick out something to eat after being on an unwanted fast all day long.

"Hah..what a day.." He spoke softly to no one, picking out something to eat. "Who would've thought my salvation would come in the form of a 5'10, arrogant little woman..." He sighed as he picked out a small box of chocolate-coated and frosted berries before walking to the counter. "Just these, please and I hope I can stay till the rain stops?" He asked the cashier.

"Oh, yes of course you can stay and...your total is 6.20.. thank you!" The cashier said ringing him.
"" Kyan handed him the cash and sat on one of the benches they had inside the store popping open the box and eating his berries in temporary peace.
And again he was zoning out.


Kyan was hiding in the berry bushes crying and it was not long before the 6-year-old felt a sharp pain rush up his scalp, it was his sister pulling on his hair making him stand up.
"What are you doing here? Crying like an idiot! Shut up! Boys don't cry.." She yelled in his face, it all seemed like a blur of memories that he could not bring himself to let go of.
"Sis! Please let go it hurts..!" He retorted, trying to get her to let go gripping her hands with his comparatively smaller ones.
"Fuck, shut up!" A loud smack echoed through the dusky evening air. She slapped him hard, busting his lip open.

He pressed a palm against his lip before bringing it down to see the damage caused, it wasn't too much blood but man it stung and at that point, in time he had two thoughts. Should I slap her back or should I run..? Well, I'm in the position to do neither. "Sis please..." His voice trembled.
"You're such a pain for us all just go jump into a river or something.." She said those vile words before shoving him down to the ground. She was under the influence of god knows how many substances but oh how he hoped she would overdose.
Till this point, it was merely disliking her actions but very soon he started to hate her and not long after he wanted revenge.

'Blood is thicker than water.' "Says who? I would have preferred being an orphan or not being born at all than having parents like these." He sighed, his head had started to hurt, no matter how much he tried to forget about those scenarios he couldn't. He will never forgive nor forget.
He looked out the glass panel it was still raining, he then checked his phone for the time 12.45 a.m.

"Guess I'm not going home tonight." He smiled to himself, his shoulders visibly relaxed and soon he found himself thinking about Scarlet. He didn't ask her much about the whole contractual relationship thing, infact he didn't ask her anything about it before agreeing. "Guess we'll worry about it tomorrow.." He looked at his phone waiting for the text message he was to receive from her.
He was given a second chance at life and he was not going to waste it.
He thought about it for long and so did she.

"She's my salvation."

"He's my salvation."

He didn't realize he was zoning out till he was brought back into reality but the gently chime of the door being opened.
'This late at night?' He thought to himself turning around to see who was here, it could be one of two kinds, gangsters, wannabe criminals or those rich motherfucking humans who don't give a shit about others.
He saw someone he thought he knew. His eyes were a dead giveaway, those ice-blue eyes belonged to no one but the Raven himself, Xite. He was talking to the cashier about something seemingly unaware of Kyan's presence. It wasn't before he left in his neat BMW.

"Strange...a personal assistant to have such luxuries, very strange...but well again I saw him at her company earlier, perhaps he's a favored employee." He said and shrugged it off, he was getting drowsy but he knew he couldn't just sleep on the store's bench and it was pouring, he'd die of hypothermia and his soul would descend to hell even before he could actually fall asleep. He got up and decided to look around and rest out a cheap room for the night so he could have some much-needed sleep instead of hearing her useless sister nag him all day long and as if on cue, came a text.

Sis: "Where the fuck are you Kyan?"

Sis: "Come home right now!"

Sis: "Fuck.."

Sis: "Quit ignoring my texts Kyan..! Come home right now or don't come home at all!"

He stared at his phone for a while and sighed deeply. "Fuck....just..hah...why?" He was left speechless, he scoffed at the sheer audacity of his sister. He was the one who ran the family and she was saying such things to him? Without him they wouldn't survive a week.
Here he was expecting a text from Scarlet and here her sister was ruining his dreams.


He shook his head, "Why the hell am I waiting for her text? Money man...drives a person crazy." Getting up, shoving the empty box in the trash bin and walking out, the rain had died down a bit. He stepped out onto the sidewalk and started walking, he knew there was a hotel nearby and had decided to stay there for the night. Cover and protection from both the biting cold and his rabid family. Tomorrow would be a new day, a new start to a new life he'd build around himself and himself only.



Author: Hi lovelies! I hope you're enjoying the book so far please do tell me what you think about it so I can improve my writing. Also, do you all wish for a book on Xite as well? He seems to be a loved character. Anyways have a warm day!

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