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Everyone was quiet, only the sound of paper opening was heard in the Dinner hall...

"Are you two ready?" Mother asked us, although I wanted to answer, Mary had spoken before I did...

"Mother, why are you treating this like a scary book or a romance novel... Can we just open it normally?" Mary whined to Mother, as I just stayed silent and faked a giggle, while mother just laughed at Mary's antics and shook her head..

"Alright, Ill open normally. Although... I am getting a bad feeling, but most probably it would go away, since I am just nervous to open the letter." Mother said while smiling slightly... I had that sinking feeling too... as if... everything would go wrong once Mother opens the letter... 

"Mother! Hurry up! I want to see what father had sent us! please hurry up!" Mary whined once more, I knew she was impatient ever since, but sometimes I just wished she just shut her mouth from whining to much, it really is getting annoying... "Mary, can you just please be quiet and let Mother open the letter slowly! if she doesn't want to go quickly then let her be!" I yelled angrily, adding a bit more effort by putting up an expression on my face, and showing Mary that I was annoyed by how she acted... 

"May! Do not talk like that to your older sister, show her some respect!" Mother scolded me, and I didn't like it... I had to go back to sweet, polit and funny May, or they would see me as a suspicious person, or maybe even someone who has a mental illness... so I had to apologize, even if it means my pride and ego was on the line...

"... Im sorry... I was feeling impatient, and Mary was too loud... Im sorry Mother, Im sorry Mary... I didn't mean all those words I had spoken to you Mary... can you please forgive me?" I quickly and softly apologized to both of them, I didn't dare look directly at their eyes, keeping my head low and my eyes on the ground, waiting for a reply from either of them...

"Its alright May, I was a bit hurt from your words, but I can take that as an advice instead, at least now I know something about myself and it came honestly from my family first, and not my friends... You are forgiven May." Mary said while me a small smile, I knew she has still hurt, but i didn't want to push any further... "Anyways! lets get back to opening the letter! Mother?" I turned to mother, returning to being cheerful and happy, wanting to get Mothers attention... but it looks like she had already gotten the letter out... 

"Mother? when did you get the letter out? How come me and May never heard you opening the paper?" Mary questioned as she came closer and stood by Mother side wanting to read the letter... only to see mother crying... and... that sinking feeling came back, but worse... 

I got up in shock as Mother began crying silently while reading the letter... I quickly got down from my seat and walked towards Mary... "Mother... what happened? what did the letter say? why are you crying?" I asked her, quite concerned for her, as she began crying out of no where... 

"I know Im supposed to only focus on finding on how I came back to this time, but I also need to remember that others have feelings too... so Mother crying is not an exception for me not to care for her!" I thought to myself while hugging mother at her side, while Mary took the paper and read it... "Mary? what does the letter say? is Father coming back home?" I asked, concerned for Mother as she was hugging me tightly, and scared for what the letter might have to say...

"Mary? w-what does the letter say? why are you so silent?" I asked once more, getting away from mother for a while as she covered her face with her hands, while continuing to cry... all of a sudden... Mary began to cry too.. which made me worry and take the letter from her hands and put it aside...

"Mary! what's wrong? why are you crying? what did the letter-" I asked once more as I hugged my sister, only to get interrupted my Mary herself..

"Father is dead." Mary spoke as she continued to silently cry on my shoulder while hugging me tightly just like Mother did earlier... Father is dead?

"Mary, no... this had to be some joke you and mother had planned to pull on me... F-Father isnt dead, he is still at the military fighting for our country, alive an well! T-This is just a joke right?" I questioned hesitantly as I pushed Mary off me gently not wanting to hurt her like earlier...

"Its not a joke May.. Father is really dead.."

"No! Father isn't dead! you're just lying to me! he is still out there alive and I know it!" I yelled accusingly at her.. she is just lying about it right? this had got to be some sick prank that they just wanted to see my reaction...right?

"May stop fighting with me and just accept it, I'm not in the mood to yell at you right now... Mother is devastated and we need to comfort her" Mary said to me, her tone and voice getting higher, its evident she is getting annoyed... but I need to know the truth... so Ill push the question to her harder...

"Stop lying to me! Father isn't dead! The letter just, must have probably been messed up and was sent to the wrong address! Father isn't de-"

"JUST SHUT UP MAY! If you want proof then go read the letter for yourself! Father is dead! and they didn't not mess up in sending the wrong letter to us! Father is gone, and forever will be! so just be quiet and stop pestering me!" May yelled at me... harshly and rudely... I don't care if this is my big sister Mary from my first life or was still the same sister I had... but her just yelling at me that way... it hurts..

"Now if you excuse me, I need to take care of Mother, so you can read the letter and go to your room and cry after once you finish." Mary spoke once more before taking Mother to her room to comfort her, while I was left there reading the letter trying to process every single word that was written on the paper...

"Its true..." I said softly while dropping the paper... tears were streaming down my face, but I did not bother to wipe it away... I'll just let them flow... for now..

"...Father really is dead..." 

Gone Wrong - Series 1-Where stories live. Discover now