7. The Reunion

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I pull my Jeep into the now familiar driveway and park next to what I assume is Justin's Range Rover. I hope Pattie isn't here. I'm still very hurt by her actions and can't handle facing them both at the same time. I step out, lock the doors, and begin walking up the long driveway. As I approach the front porch, I spot Justin leaning against one of its support beams. He is watching me carefully, seemingly unsure if he should bridge the gap.

When I am close enough to see his face clearly, I notice he is flushed; eyes full of tears. Maybe there is more to the story. After all, I never fully believed that he could write me off so easily. There's a lot that doesn't add up. He stares intensely, begging desperately with his eyes for me to stay and hear him out. A single tear falls.

I hesitate once I reach the steps, examining his expression, wishing I could read minds.

"Come down here," I say softly.

He nods quickly and takes a step towards me. Then another. Then another. I reach up to wipe the loose tear from his cheek. Justin closes his eyes and covers my hand with his, taking in the moment. I pull my hand away from his grasp and let it drop by my side.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Justin. Don't think that just because I'm here you can get comfortable. You're a long way from gaining my trust back. But—"

I pause to think and he waits patiently.

"I still love you. I never stopped. That's why I'm here and ready to listen with an open mind. But if I have to, I will go back to loving you from a distance like I've done for the past three years. I'm not a weak teenager anymore. I learned how to be strong on my own, without you. I love you, but my guard is up and I won't let it down easily. So, please don't mistake my agreeing to this conversation as forgiveness and a willingness to reconcile. Okay?"

He nods in understanding as my voice trembles on the last word and I realize the tears are starting to fall. Justin's face twists with pain from seeing me cry. Wasting no time, he grabs my sides and pulls me into his arms. His warmth, his breath, his scent, his steady heartbeat—all so familiar. All so safe.

I consider pulling away, but eventually I give in, grasping the back of his sweatshirt and sobbing into his chest. Justin runs his hands through my long curly hair and I feel the heat from his lips against my scalp as he kisses the top of my head softly.

"I love you, Milan."

"I promise I'll never let you go again."

He squeezes me tighter. 

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