Love Triangle (part 3)

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A/N: last part 🫶🏻.
Words: 1459
Y/N was sitting on her bed, contemplating wether she should tell Abby or not about the kiss. Her head was filled with thoughts about how the scene would turn out if she told Abby and all of them finished with Abby never talking to her ever again. Should she just lie about it? But she didnt want to. She liked Abby. Abby was kind and always understanding. What if she just told Abby that she didn't want to kiss Ellie.

She couldn't do that either because even tho she was mad at Ellie she would always love her. Y/N couldn't sleep the entire night. Since it was a Saturday the next morning Y/N called Dina. She needed another Persons opinion on this.

"No you didn't" Dina sighed. "Why would you even kiss back. If you hated her that much you should have just pushed her away"
To be truthful, Y/N didn't want to push Ellie back. She liked the kiss. She missed it. She missed Ellie a lot.

"I dont know Dina, I was frozen, I couldn't move" She lied. Cuz in fact she did move her mouth alot during that kiss.

"Y/N. I told you to drop Ellie. Youre both not good for eachother. Alright? That's all I can tell you. You and Ellie just dont work." Y/N nodded. It was true. She loved to blame Ellie but to be truthful again, she also wasn't the best girlfriend.
"What do I do about Abby now" Y/N asks her heart aching about the outcome that is yet to come.

"Don't say anything. Just pretend like it never happened. Don't talk to Ellie. At all. Alright?" Y/N nods taking her head in her hand and sulking in her room.

Dina left soon and even tho Y/N had a plan on what to do, she still felt guilty as hell. What made her feel even worse is, that she didn't get any text messages from neither Ellie nor Abby.

Monday came and Y/N went to school with a heavy heart. She tried to find Abby before class started, but she couldn't find her.  That was alright tho, she could just see Abby in class.

Once Y/N entered the classroom, she saw Abby sitting in the back with a few of her friends. Her friends called me over to them. I forced a smile on myself and walked towards them. Abby wasn't looking at me at all. She didn't even greet me. Her friends could tell something was off but they didn't have a chance to ask, because the class had already started and Y/N was left next to Abby.

Y/N didn't understand, why Abby was giving her the cold shoulder. Did she know about the kiss? But how would she.
"Hey, you ok?" Y/N asked Abby, just to get a glare from Abby.
"Yeah, yeah really ok. Especially after I saw my girlfriend kiss her ex" she said in a very sarcastic manner, tho the sentence itself made Y/Ns heart drop.

"How-" Y/Ns question was stopped by Abbys answer.
"I came by your house Friday night. To cheer you up. But I guess Ellie was faster than me. Atleast she saved me from dating a liar like you"
Y/Ns heart broke. Abby was there, she saw her kiss Ellie. Y/N started to feel anxious, not knowing what to answer Abby.

"Im sorry Abby, please. Please forgive me. I wasn't planning on kissing her" Y/N okeaded, but Abbys face held no sympathy towards the girl. "You know, the way she treated you at the party, I felt bad for you. I shouldn't have, you're just like her"

Y/N stayed silent. "Just leave me alone alright? Thats the least you can do" Abby said and started focusing on the lesson, rather than Y/Ns apologies. Y/N nodded and tried her best not to cry. She was mad. Mad at herself, but mostly mad at Ellie. She started blaming Ellie for what happened, Ellie kissed her. She was 100% sure that Ellie knew that Abby was in Sight.

The schoolday was a long one, After her 4th class was finished, she left the classroom and walked towards her locker. The hall was full of students, and she see many familiar faces, except the one she actually wanted to see.

She saw Abbys friends, though none of them looked at her in a bad way, that meant that Abby didn't tell anyone about what she had done, and she hoped Abby wouldn't.

People in this damn school loved gossip, and she really didn't want to be the topic of the week. Students started to clear up the hallway and soon Y/N was left alone, in the hallway.
It was so quiet, and all Y/N had were her thoughts that were consuming her. She felt guilty, thats all she felt. She didnt feel guilty for kissing Ellie, she felt guilty that Abby saw it, and thats what made the whole situation worse.

Y/N pulled out her phone and texted Dina.

Dina I highkey fucked up, please skip i need a smoke 🙏

Y/N really needed to talkt to Dina after the morning she just had.

Dina 🫶🏻:
Already am. Jesse is here with Ellie tho 🥲

Y/N clenched her jaw. Ellie ruined her relationship on purpose.

Good. Where are you? IM COMING 📢

PE 😀

The school was big, and there were exactly 3 rooms, where students could skip without getting caught.  The room, where Dina was in, was located behind the Gym hall, next to the cleaning room.

Y/N quickly made her way over to that room and quietly got in. The trio that was sitting on the ground all turned their heads to look at her. The first thing she wanted to do was scream at Ellie, but after she saw Ellies face, her anger turned into slight worry.

"What the fuck happened to ur face?" Ellies face was bruised, she was holding a napkin to her nose, to stop the bleeding. There were multiple other Bruises on her face, but her nose seemed like the most injured.

"Your girlfriend hit me" Ellie said. "What?" Y/N looked flabbergasted at that. Abby attacked Ellie?

"Why? What did you say?" Y/N asked, immediately thinking Ellie is the one who started the fight.
"NOTHING" Ellie immediately defended herself.
"Im getting jumped and youre blaming me" Ellie asks in shock and annoyed which reminds Y/N that she was still mad at Ellie.

"Did you know she was there?" Y/N asks Ellie
"Uhm yeah? I think the punch in the face was enough to make me look at her"
Y/N rolls her eyes.

"No Ellie, on Friday when you kissed me" Y/N says getting angrier at Ellies stupidity.

"Wait you Guys kissed" Jesse asks in a confused tone and Dina shoot him a look to shut the fuck up.

Meanwhile Ellie was the one who couldn't get any words out.
"What? Noo?"

That was enough for Y/N to know the truth. Obviously Ellie kissed her to make Abby jealous. Y/N wanted to leave. She turned around ready to leave the room and then the school, but before she could, Ellie had already jumped up to held Y/N back from leaving.

"Yes, yes I did" She says in a low voice. "But so what you kissed back! That means you still trust me"

Jesse gasps, enjoying the drama.
Y/N pushes Ellie back. "Just leave me alone, please"
She says and then proceeds to actually leave the room. Ellie follows her, and takes her by her arm to push her into the cleaning room.

"Listen, Y/N, Im sorry! Alright? I just miss you. I fuckin miss you like crazy. And yeah I make stupid decisions, and I hurt you. Im sorry. But I swear Im always gonna try my best to be better. I love you!"

Y/N took a few seconds to take in the words.
"Yeah youre right, you do make stupid decisions, that always end up hurting me or making me angry at you! And I hate you for that"

Ellie nods understanding. This is the Ellie Y/N loved, and this was also why Y/N could never let go of her. Cuz she loved Ellie. She hated Ellie too. But mostly she loved Ellie.

Thats what also led to Y/N forgiving her. Maybe Abby would have been the better match for her. Maybe Y/N would have been happier with Abby, but she would never know cuz her heart wants what it wants!

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