Chapter 1 - Summer sparks

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I always wondered how hard it is to find love. At least for me, it has been tricky. I never found someone who was right for me. I am 23, and I'm still a virgin. I just want to have the perfect romance, something magical. But I know that's just a fantasy I want to be in. "Skye, can you stop writing in your diary so we can get going?" interrupted my sister, Jen, jolting me out of my thoughts. Every summer, we embark on an annual vacation to the beach, a tradition we've upheld without fail. Despite the excitement of the trip, my longing for romance gnaws at me. "Let me grab my suitcase first! I'll be down in a minute," I replied, hastily closing my diary and stuffing it into my luggage. Reflecting on my lifelong habit of journaling, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. As I carried my suitcase downstairs and loaded it into the trunk, my mind raced with thoughts of love and longing. "Is everyone ready?" Dad's voice brought me back to the present. With nods all around, we set off on our journey. Joining us on our vacation are some family friends, including my childhood friend Emily and her family. Emily, an only child, has always been like a sister to me, along with Jen. "So, sis, did Emily tell you she's bringing her cousin?" Jen's question caught me off guard. Emily hadn't mentioned it during our recent call. "Maybe she wanted to surprise you," Jen offered, trying to reassure me. But the uncertainty nagged at me; why hadn't Emily mentioned her cousin's arrival? As fate would have it, Emily's cousin, Diego, is an only child too. Diego holds a special place in my heart. I first met him when I turned 16; Emily brought him along to my birthday celebration. He seemed kind and attentive, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a connection between us. But a cruel twist shattered my hopes when I overheard his friends daring him to kiss me because of my supposed ugliness. That painful memory left me wary of romance, unsure of what's genuine and what's not. As we drew closer to our destination, I couldn't help but wonder: would seeing Diego again reignite the possibility of love? Or would it only reopen old wounds? Despite my reservations, a glimmer of hope flickered within me. Finally arriving at our destination, Emily apologized for not informing me about Diego's presence. "Are you mad at me?" she asked sheepishly. "A little, but you can make it up to me with a movie night," I replied, trying to brush off my disappointment. Entering our beach house, I headed to my room, only to find Diego already there. "What are you doing in my room?" I demanded, caught off guard by his presence. "Your room?" he questioned, equally surprised. As tensions rose, Diego revealed a shocking revelation: Emily and Jen had orchestrated our reunion, hoping to spark a romance between us. Stunned and incredulous, I left the room to confront Jen. Bursting into her room, I demanded answers. "Oh shit, she found out!" Jen exclaimed, panic evident in her voice. Despite her attempts to downplay the situation, I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal. "It's not that bad; sharing a room with Diego might ignite some sparks, Skye!" Jen tried to reassure me, but deep down, I knew this vacation would be anything but ordinary. "I hate you!" I yell at Jen, super mad at her. Storming back to the room, I say, "I really can't sleep in the same room as you, Diego, let alone share the bed," still really angry. "I'll just crash on the couch if it makes you that uncomfortable." Diego's offer surprises me; I haven't seen him in a while, and I didn't expect him to be this nice. Maybe he's not like his usual friends after all. "Thanks, Diego, that's really nice of you," I say as he grabs his stuff and heads downstairs. I sigh and start unpacking, sorting my clothes by color--something my mom taught me that makes me feel good. After sorting everything, I grab my charger, laptop, and headphones, and put them on the dresser before grabbing my journal. Looking around, I shut the door behind me. I start to write; could Diego have changed? I'm not sure if I should trust him or not. He's my best friend's brother, so maybe I should just let it go. But what if she'd be okay with it? I can't let myself think about it too much...I sigh, closing my journal and hiding it under my pillow. Heading downstairs, I see my sister and Emily. "Hey, Skye, wanna come to the beach with us?" my sister asks as she puts sunscreen on. Glancing at Diego, who's also there, I agree reluctantly. "Sure, let me grab my swimsuit," I reply. After getting ready, I head downstairs and join the group in the car. Diego and I sit in the back, while my sister and Emily sit up front. "So, you still write in that journal?" Diego asks. "You remember my journal?" I ask, surprised. "Hard to forget; it was interesting," he says mysteriously. Rolling my eyes, I say, "You know I'm still mad about that; it was an invasion of privacy." "Maybe, but it was fun to read," he replies, not bothered by my annoyance. "You're such a jerk," I mutter. "And yet, you kinda like it," he teases. Before I can respond, my sister jokes, "Looks like the arguing couple's here!" Jen and Emily burst into laughter while Diego and I exchange amused glances. We finally reach the beach, ready to enjoy the waves and sand. As we step out of the car, Diego immediately peels off his shirt, revealing his glistening abs. I can't help but steal a glance at his sculpted physique, his azure eyes sparkling under the sun, and his tousled brown locks framing his face. Quickly diverting my gaze to avoid being caught, we make our way to a secluded spot on the beach and set up our chairs and umbrella. "I missed this," my sister remarks, admiring our beach setup. "Hey, Skye, want to take a dip?" Diego surprises me with the invitation. "Uh, yeah, let me just lather up with some sunscreen," I reply hesitantly, nodding. After applying sunscreen, Diego and I plunge into the water, and he immediately starts splashing me. "Quit it, you troublemaker!" I protest, laughing as I try to evade his playful splashes. The sound of our laughter fills the air, mingling with the rhythmic crash of the waves. "We can see sparks flying between you two, but can you please tone down the flirting?" my sister jokes, breaking the moment with a playful grin. "I swear, if you keep teasing us, I might just lose it," I retort, feeling a mixture of annoyance and amusement at their matchmaking antics. "Alright, alright, we'll lay off," my sister concedes to Emily, their laughter echoing against the backdrop of the ocean. As the day slowly transitions into evening, we reluctantly pack
up and head back home. Changing into our pajamas, I'm the first one downstairs, where I catch Diego shirtless once again. This time, he meets my gaze with a playful smirk. "Like what you see?" he quips, taking a step closer, his eyes twinkling mischievously. Caught off guard, I feel a rush of warmth spreading through me as I meet his gaze, our shared laughter lingering in the air as my sister and Emily join in, their infectious giggles filling the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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