iv | Prince Branwen Montgomery

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NAME || Branwen Conwell Montgomery

AGE || 24

GENDER || Male

SEXUALITY || Homosexual

PRONOUNS || He // Him / His

DOB || November 6th

NATIONALITY || Almaythian

ETHNICITY || Almaythian

ETHNICITY || Almaythian

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PERSONALITY || Ever since he was young he refused to have his royal title define him

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PERSONALITY || Ever since he was young he refused to have his royal title define him. Branwen is the definition of a sweetheart; he's kindhearted and compassionate and will do whatever it is he can to help those around him, no matter their social standing. He gets his heart of gold from his father, the current Almaythian King, Alaric Montgomery.

Branwen's upbringing in the royal court of Almaythia instilled in him a deep sense of responsibility towards his people. Despite his privileged position, he remains grounded, often finding solace in simple pleasures and meaningful connections. While Branwen's shy demeanor may initially come across as reserved, those who know him well understand the warmth and sincerity that lie beneath the surface.

He possesses a quiet strength, tempered by humility, which allows him to navigate the complexities of court politics with grace and integrity. However, like any individual, Branwen is not without his flaws; he often holds himself to impossibly high standards, leading to feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt, even in the face of his numerous accomplishments.

While usually open-minded and receptive to different perspectives, Branwen can be stubborn when he feels strongly about something, making compromise difficult at times. His desire to see positive change and his intolerance for injustice can sometimes manifest as impatience, causing him to act impulsively or rashly. Despite his outward confidence, Branwen is sensitive to criticism, particularly when it challenges his deeply held beliefs or values, leading to moments of defensiveness.

LIKES || Reading books, watching sunrises and sunsets, tea, helping people in any way he can, nature walks, writing, learning new things

DISLIKES || Dishonesty, conflict, arrogance, injustice, rudeness, crowds, hot weather, wasting time, spicy food, loud noises

OCCUPATION || Branwen is the Second Prince of Almaythia

OTHER(S) ---

- He has a fascination with astronomy and often spends evenings stargazing

- Branwen has a penchant for collecting antique books and artifacts, brought on by exploring the royal vault when he wasn't supposed to in his younger years

- He has a green thumb and enjoys experimenting with herbal remedies and natural healing methods

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