Food Chain

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I stand on the edge, watching, transfixed by the images before me. How can this possibly be? I can feel the moons light on me, drawing me closer. I am not afraid though. The trees call to me; branches reaching through the dark to caress me. I should run. I know I should. As my eyes lock on the golden orbs ahead of me, I know I won't leave. This is it.

I step past the first line of trees and enter the darkness. The silence is the most terrifying part. The way the creatures glide towards me with outstretched arms. Those golden eyes watching me. Their mouths open wide, white teeth are the only color I can see. As they come closer, they become more detailed. Strands of saliva dripping from their jaws. A thin, snake like tongue hissing at me.

As the first one reaches me I forget why I had been so compelled to enter the forest in the first place.

I stare into the face of the creature that will surely be the death of me. It's not so scary. Better it than the monster creeping up behind it.

Food ChainWhere stories live. Discover now