The Moment You Walked In

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A/N: Ta daa! Here is the first chapter of my first story on Wattpad! I wasn't going to post until I had finished the first three chapters, but there have been assassination attempts so...I shall attempt to appease all of you. I'm also working on another story right now, and I'm still a bit sick, so don't blame me if the next chapter doesn't come out for ages.

Please inform me if you think it's sappy. I will try to make it not sappy, because I myself don't like sappy romance. Sorry. If you don't like it, don't read it. I usually do not write romance stories, but this plot screamed to be written. Sorry if I brutalise it. Also it's not recommended for boys, unless you like romance. I think it's a bit cliché as well and it's inspired by A Walk to Remember.

Enjoy! :)

Monday March 4, 2013

3:32pm, Home

Rose POV

I brushed a red strand of hair out of my eyes, but the wind blew it, and a few more strands, stubbornly back across my face. I walked back inside, closing the balcony doors as I did. I swept my gaze around the room, noting its bareness.

Someone knocked at the door and I heard a thump as they tried to open it. I stifled a laugh as I made my way to the door and unlocked it. The door shot open.

"Whoa!" I cried, barely dodging the swinging door.

"I'm sorry," the maid apologised.

"No, no it's - it's nothing," I stammered. "Is something the matter?"

"As far as I am aware of - no. Your father simply wishes to speak with you," came the answer.

My heart sank even before she had finished speaking.

"Oh, I...I understand." I pushed past her and walked with slow steps accompanied by a flustered heart. My father's study was not very far away from my room so it took me less than two minutes to reach the door. After hesitating once, I knocked.

"Come in," I heard him call.

I came in and stood in the doorway. "Father."

"Rose." He sat down.

"The maid told me I was wanted?" I questioned, walking forward.

"Yes. What time will you leave?"

"Around about now."

He leaned forward and grasped my shoulders. "Then I'll see you in three days, heidi."

Heidi. The German word for sweet.

I blinked dubiously. "Yes, Father."

His shoulders sagged slightly, as if that were not the reaction he had been hoping for. I was surprised. Surely someone like him, who mostly ignored his only daughter, would have no need of me saying 'I'll miss you'?

I stood quickly and left the study. I went out to the long, winding drive to find my things had already been loaded. The chauffeur opened the door for me and I climbed in.

The short drive to the bus stop did not allow much time for thought. So, in less than five minutes I was already there, and the bus already waiting.

I took my bags and walked quickly to the bus, hoping my driver would not notice it was empty and there were no high-pitched giggles and gossiping. Fortunately he seemed to be occupied with his BlackBerry.

I smiled. So all those people who worked for my father were human. Good to know.

I hurried into the bus, dumping my red and white tote bag and roller-bag onto the seat in front of me.

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