[ 21 ] Eye For An Eye, Finger For A Good Boy Or Something Idk

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So as not to rouse Megumi, Sukuna first laid the book on the night stand and sunk one foot to the well-tread carpet. Megumi's breathing had been low and steady for the past hour.

Sukuna could thank the whiskey for Megumi's lack of response once all of Sukuna's weight was lifted from the bed.

There was an itch at the back of Sukuna's mind that desired to keep reading, and he flagged this as low-level, tedious anxiety borne from Megumi's request. Though he wasn't ordered to read, Megumi was always annoyingly generous with his rewards to non-orders with the brat. Implicitly, Sukuna anticipated such a reward come morning—

—when Sukuna vowed to return.

Silently, Sukuna tugged the key card out of Megumi's discarded swim trunks and took it with him to Itadori's duffle for more appropriate outerwear.

The brat had heard " bring a swimsuit " and decided to pack exclusively one floral-printed button-up and a thrifted hoodie with the word Hawaii printed on it in the same fashion as the Uniqlo logo.

Irked by his limited selection, Sukuna settled on the hoodie.

There, crouched behind Itadori's bed wrestling on the hoodie, Sukuna's head popped through the top baring a scowl. His eyes settled on the exit where a silhouette colored the underside of the door.

When his visitor made no attempt at entering, Sukuna crossed the floor. His hand hovered over the handle as he listened.

Footsteps shuffled back, lingering.

No matter how silently he opened the door, his resident curfew officer couldn't be avoided. Gojo Satoru was standing with his hips against the railing, looking less perturbed than Sukuna thought he ought to be.

At once, Sukuna narrowed his sights on Nanami, who was dressed in his late-night best: a pair of pinstripe pajamas.

Sukuna's lips curled into a sneer, which earned him a silent gesture to be quiet from Gojo. The man's eyes were over Sukuna's shoulder now.

Sukuna pulled the door ajar enough for him to see that his charge was indeed fast asleep and still breathing.

Gojo gestured down the way and set in motion. Nanami waited for Sukuna to step out.

At the stairs, Sukuna sighed. "I didn't appreciate having a chaperone last time, and the sentiment still stands."

"Don't worry," Gojo said, flashing a wink over his shoulder, "we don't plan on stopping you. And unless you plan on walking there... "

They were close to the location of the alleged mission, but evidently, not close enough to clock on the amateur radar the brat and his friends had. The drive through town had cemented the hunch that told Sukuna another one of his fingers was nearby.

At Jujutsu Tech, the temptation his locked-away fingers wasn't enough to warrant breaking Megumi's order. But here? It was too irresistible a task, even with Gojo and Nanami as tag-alongs.

Sukuna paused in the middle of the parking lot. Gojo turned to him, Nanami at his back.

"Having a chauffeur would be useful," Sukuna agreed.

"Then that settles it."

An easy grin spread from ear-to-ear. The alleged best sorcerer , chauffeuring him to fetch his finger. It was downright comical. "Only if you drive."

Gojo raised the keys. "That's the plan. Nanami, we'll be back—and don't sleep a wink until then!"

The sorcerer rubbed a hand over his eye. It would be a difficult task, but one he preferred over accompanying Gojo and Sukuna on this journey.

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