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Ruby entered the house, her face adorned with a smile that lit up the room. Today marked her anniversary with Garrett, and his call earlier had hinted at a serious conversation awaiting her return.

She had a hunch about what it might entail.

Perhaps the moment she had eagerly awaited for so long.

A proposal.

Turning sideways to fit through the door, Ruby didn't need to announce her presence; her echoing footsteps reverberated throughout the house.

They had repaired the floorboards countless times, her footprints leaving lasting impressions in the supposedly unyielding stone. Yet, in Ruby's experience, it seemed as fragile as any other material.

Her day had been spent warding off potential rivals vying for Garrett's attention. She felt drained from the constant battles to assert her claim on him.

Always defending her territory against protests like, "I don't know any Garrett," or, "Who are you?" and the occasional, "You weren't invited to my daughters birthday, please leave."

Her man was undeniably desirable, necessitating regular purges of his DMs to fend off unwanted advances.

Oddly enough, a glitch in the app often made it seem like he initiated the conversations, many of which came from underage users.

A peculiar glitch indeed.

Shaking off these thoughts, Ruby ascended the stairs, her arms laden with groceries from her daily errands.

As she approached their bedroom door and reached for the handle...

Her smile vanished upon seeing Garrett standing in the center of the room.

Wearing a dress.

Ruby stood in the doorway, her eyes widening like saucers as she took in Garrett's twirl in a dress.

"Surprise!" Garrett announced, his voice a mix of excitement and nervousness.

But Ruby wasn't quite ready to embrace the surprise. "Um, what in the name of all that is holy is happening here?" she exclaimed, her hands flailing in disbelief.

Garrett's grin wavered for a moment before he launched into an explanation. "Well, Ruby, I've been doing some soul-searching, and I've come to the realization that I'm... trans."

Ruby blinked, trying to process this bombshell. "You're what now?" she asked, her voice an octave higher than usual.

"Transgender," Garrett clarified, his smile hopeful yet uncertain.

Ruby shook her head, as if trying to shake off the absurdity of the situation. "So, let me get this straight. Which you apparently aren't. Y-Y-You're a TRANNY?!?"

Garrett winced at her choice of words but nodded nonetheless. "Exactly."

Ruby's mind raced as she struggled to make sense of it all. "But what about us? What about me?"

Garrett took a step forward, his expression earnest. "I hope you'll still love me, no matter what."

But Ruby wasn't quite ready to let go of her bewilderment. "Love you? Garrett, I can't even wrap my head around this. I mean, what am I supposed to tell my friends? 'Hey, meet my boyfriend... who's now my girlfriend'? Saying I was dating a femboy or pedophile is better than this!"

Garrett spoke up, "Well actually-"

"I can't do this!" Ruby shouted.

With that, she turned on her heel and made a beeline for the door, leaving Garrett standing there in his dress, feeling like he had just stumbled into the world's most awkward sitcom.

"Whatever, i'm late to my side hoes birthday party." He-She muttered.

Ruby sprinted down the road, each step feeling like a mini workout session. She was convinced she was shedding pounds with every stride.

Meanwhile, on the television screen, news anchors reported on an earthquake that rattled the ground along the same route Ruby was traversing.

A whirlwind of emotions churned in Ruby's stomach—anger, sadness, confusion, and a hefty dose of betrayal. Unable to contain her feelings any longer, she unleashed them in the form of a full-blown tantrum.

With each stomp of her foot, the ground trembled beneath her. The intensity of her emotions seemed to reverberate through the earth itself, sending shockwaves across continents.

Panic spread like wildfire as people around the world interpreted the seismic activity as a sign of impending doom.

Finally, overcome by her own emotional tempest, Ruby collapsed to the ground, and in that moment, it felt like the entire world exploded into chaos. All trees fell and all oceans drained, the world was on the brink of apocalypse.

And that, dear reader, was the end. Or was it?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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