PART 17 🦋

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Author POV

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Author POV

Zara rose from her prayer mat, her heart filled with serenity after performing her Tahajjud and Fajr prayers...!!!! With a whispered supplication on her lips, she immersed herself in the soothing rhythm of dhikr, her voice a gentle murmur as she glorified and praised the Almighty. After completing her morning adhkar, Zara reached for her well-worn Quran, its pages filled with the timeless wisdom and guidance she sought each day. With reverence, she traced her fingers over the embossed cover before opening it to the bookmarked page. As the words of Allah flowed before her, Zara's soul found solace in the divine verses, their profound meanings resonating deep within her being.

As Zara completed her recitation of the Quran, she rose from her prayer mat and made her way to the small balcony nestled within her room. There, she beheld the tranquil sight of her friends, Jennie and Lisa, sleeping peacefully, their serene faces bathed in the soft morning light.

A gentle smile graced her lips as she admired their peaceful slumber before turning her gaze outward, drawn to the captivating beauty of Allah's creation spread out before her.

"Mashallah," she whispered reverently, her heart filled with awe and gratitude as she surveyed the breathtaking scenery from the balcony. The gentle rustle of leaves and the melodious chirping of birds greeted her ears, a symphony of nature's harmonious melodies. The sun, rising majestically over the horizon, painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, casting a warm glow over the landscape below....!!!

Each leaf, each blade of grass seemed to whisper the praises of the Creator, reminding her of the boundless blessings that surrounded her. With a contented sigh, she closed her eyes, allowing the tranquility of the morning to envelop her in its gentle embrace, grateful for the gift of another day.

As Zara's phone rang loudly, her eyes widened in surprise, momentarily breaking the serene ambiance of the morning. With swift movements, she reached for her phone, silencing the intrusive ringtone before it could disturb her friends' peaceful slumber. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she observed Jennie and Lisa, undisturbed by the loud noise, still lost in the depths of sleep.

Glancing at the caller ID, Zara's expression shifted to one of slight concern upon seeing Professor Lee's name displayed on the screen. Quickly answering the call, she greeted the professor with a respectful tone.

"Yes, Professor Lee?" Zara said, her voice laced with attentiveness.

"Hey, Zara, can you please wake up your friends? I've been trying to reach them for quite some time now. We're all heading out, so please wake them up and let them know to get ready. And could you also check on the room next to yours?" Professor Lee's voice came through the phone, filled with urgency.

"Of course, Professor. I'll take care of it," Zara replied promptly, her sense of responsibility kicking in.

"Zara, um, I'm sorry, but is Jennie causing any disturbance? She's not used to having people around her, being from such a wealthy background," Professor Lee inquired, concern evident in her voice.

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