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Valaena's day on DragonStone passed swiftly, she swam in the bay with her brothers  and showed her new swordfighting skills to her  twin. Who remained unimpressed, she promised to beat him soon.

Valaena had written to Cregan upon her arrival yesterday morning, by nighrfall she received a reply, he told her he missed her, remarking how she needed to be carefull as he hoped she was carrying their Heir.

Their, not his. Although Valaena broke out in anxious sweat at the idea of childbirth, she couldn't help but feel a comforting warmth settling in her stomach whenever she thought of Cregan.

Dinner had already passed and with heavy breathing Valaena ran down the halls of her ancestral home. She didn't wait to knock as she pushed open her mother's chamberdoor. Daemon raised his eyebrow. Baby Viserys in his arms while baby Aegon sat on Rhaenyra's lap.

She watched them, her mother and stepfather, frowning. "Mom." Hummed Valaena. "Can we talk."

Daemon nodded, kissing the too of Aegon's head as he left the room. Viserys still in his arms.

"I think I'm with child.... And- well I'm terrified."

The flight back home took almost a day and a night again. Valaena hesitated landing near the Vale, as she had started to grow tired, but after pushing a few more hours Valaena reached the Castle. Dawn was already nearing, and she wondered if Cregan could hear or see her approaching on Sapphire.

"Dracarys."  Ordered Valaena, smiling as she felt her Dragon emit the incredible heat. She closed her eyes. Kissing Sapphire's scales. "Oh I love you my darling." Promised Valaena in High Valyrian as the two landed near the hills of Winterfell. She watched as two riders approached, a direwolf on their heels.

Cregan pulled Valaena into his arms right away, urging her to ride with him to Winterfell. Bran Glover accompanied them, as Willem Blackwood would be away for a few weeks, tending to his own seat.

The sun had crept over the hills when they reached the gates of Winterfell. Valaena was tired, Cregan had taken her up on his horse. She sat in front of him as he was much, much taller and broader than her. She nearly fell asleep while resting her head against his chest.

She took Cregan's arm as they walked inside the keep, yawing. He offered her breakfast, but she confessed she wasn't hungry, save for wishing to bite into some of the fresh figs she had brought with her.

"Today will be a good day." Promised Cregan as he took Valaena's hand.

"Do you require sleep Laena?"

"Mhmyes, but do you have council?"

"Later, near supper."

"Can we go to the Gardens please, the sun is so nice."

Cregan frowned, his wife seemed far too tired to be walking all the way, she had already turned on her heel, walking towards the gardens with a handfull of figs in her arms.

He let out a chuckle before scooping her up in his arm. Grunting under his breath as he told her she was seemed way too tired to walk.

Valaena let out a happy sigh, despite the colder weather she was somehow glad to be home again. She felt like the pressures of being a Princess didn't linger so far up North.

"This is quite amusing."

Cregan raised a brow as he stepped over some plants to reach the tall grass that sat besides the weirwood tree. "Is it?" Mused the Lord.

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