Tygren x Thalleous Story 5 (What if...)

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As Thalleous was coming to help Abigail fighting the Withers, he was confronted by Pythus, dragging his axe at Thalleous, ready to kill

Pythus: Well, well, well, if it isn't the Champion

Thalleous was backing up, he took his sword from his back, ready for a fight

Thalleous: Pythus, do not wish me to fight you, for I'am only here to-

Pythus interrupted

Pythus: To help the Queen of the End?

Thalleous was begining to get annoyed by Pythus as he chuckled.

Pythus: You really do not have the urge for defeat do you?

Thalleous was ready for Pythus' strike while Pythus was about to swing

As they fought greatly, Tygren was also fighting with a Wither who seem to have lost

Pythus: Not bad for a Chmpion like you to fight The King of The Nether

Thalleous replied as he dodged Pythus' swing

Thalleous: You are no king, Pythus, Vulcannus is the true king of The Nether

Pythus narrowed his eyebrows with furiness


Pythus swung his axe so much that Thalleous wasn't able to fight back

Pythus: I guess not only the Voltaris has grown weak, but the Ardoni aswell

Pythus hissed at Thalleous as Thalleous was   dragging himself away from Pythus

Tygren noticed Thalleous that he was about to get killed, he ran towards both of them. As he was able to reach Thalleous, he standed infront of Thalleous as he was trying to protect Thalleous from Pythus' swing

Thalleous was shocked as he saw Tygren protecting him from getting killed by Pythus

Tygren collapsed from his injury

Pythus: Pathetic

Pythus left the Ardoni to finally kill his brother

Tygren was coughing out blood due to his injury. Thalleous did not know what to do, was he going to help him? Was he going to leave him? But he chose to help Tygren as he helped him

Thalleous walked hurriedly to Tygren as Tygren was trembling

Thalleous: Tygren, a-are you ok?

Tygren replied with a gurgled voice because of the blood coming out of his mouth

Tygren:  I-I'm fine, j-just go

Thalleous: No, I'm staying

Tygren: Why would you.. stay here..?

Thalleous did not know how to answer his question

Thalleous:... Just rest here, I will go get help

Thalleous was about to stand up to call for help but Tygren pulled Thalleous' hand for company

Tygren: No.. stay

Thalleous was confused but eventually he stayed with him, Thalleous hand was on Tygren's chest, he could feel him trembling

Tygren: I guess this is how I die... dying right infront of the man that I love..

Thalleous' eyes widen in confusion and surprise

Thalleous: Tygren, w-what are you saying..?

Tygren replied as he could

Tygren: Remember what I did to your Homeland and to your companion?

Thalleous: Yes..?

Tygren explained the real truth

Tygren: I.. never wanted all of those to happen.. but everyone I've ever known were watching, I was only doing all of those for my Clan, for The Deathsinger..

Thalleous was so shocked that he cried with a single tear

Tygren: W-why are you crying? Do not be sad Thalleous

Thalleous: I'm not sad Tygren, I'm just..

Thalleous wasn't able to answer his question but instead he put his hand on Tygren's face

As Thalleous was staying with TygrenRia and Senn came to help Thalleous but they didn't notice Tygren until they came closer

Ria: Thalleous! Are you ok?

Thalleous: I'm ok Ria

Senn came closer

Senn: But he's not...

Senn and Ria came to Thalleous

Tygren: Well, this is a bit awkward..

Tygren chuckled nervously

Senn: Tygren are you...

Tygren: Ok? Not really but Thalleous is ok

Ria: It's not Thalleous we're talking about, it's you

Tygren was quiet but then spoke

Tygren: Heh, I always liked your guts kid

Tygren markings started to flicker

Tygren: I'm really glad that I was able to see the last of you Thalleous

Thalleous was crying but also smilling

Tygren: I love you Thalleous

Thalleous: I love you too Tygren..

Tygren smiled at Thalleous as he spoke with his last words

Tygren: Sad to say that we will not stay together... but my heart will always be with you...

Thalleous leaned closer to Tygren to kiss him on the lips

Tygren felt so happy that he was able to spend his last moment with the man he loved

Thalleous rested his head against Tygren's head until Tygren's markings faded

Thalleous cried so much that his tears dripped on Tygren's face


3 years later, after Ingressus' death Senn is now the New Voltaris Master and the Voltaris was reborn

Senn was at the Cementary lighting up the graves of his Voltaris brothers

Senn: ....

Senn lit up the last tomb which was Tygren's tomb

A few minutes later Thalleous came to visit the Cementary, Thalleous came with a flower, he walked to Tygren's tomb then puts the flower on the tomb

Thalleous was sitting there mourning, he takes out Tygren's Aggrosphere. The Aggresium's energy made Thalleous felt that Tygren was talking to him, the promise that Tygren's heart will always be with him..

I know it's sad, probably most of you guys cried but I hoped you guys enjoyed this story

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