Chapter 14

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In which housesitting does not go as planned.

Back at the x-mansion, far, far away from all the action, Jubilee, Alex, and the younger students had all gathered in the living room. Spring break started just before the X-Men left for their mission, so only a few kids were at the institute right then. The group of kids consisted of Bobby, Kitty, Tabitha, and Roberto. Kitty was eleven, and the youngest student at the entire school, while the others' ages ranged from thirteen to fifteen. They were pretty easygoing kids for the most part, but it was clear that they were beginning to get a bit bored.

"Bobby, stop that!" Jubilee scolded as the younger teen covered the hardwood floor with ice. All she got was a smirk in response as he skated away, pleased with his work. Before he could leave the room, however, he was tackled by Roberto and Tabitha, who began wrestling him on the floor.

Jubilee rolled her eyes and plopped down on a couch where Alex and Kitty were sitting, and quickly became intrigued in their conversation.

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" Kitty asked Alex as she fiddled with the charm on her necklace.

"Well, yeah," Alex responded.

"Besides family," Kitty added, looking up at him through her pink-framed glasses. The gaze from her blue eyes was intense, and if he was being honest, Alex found it a bit intimidating.

He shrugged, avoiding meeting Kitty's eyes. "Um... yes."

"Who?" She pressed, raising her eyebrows and leaning closer.

"How about we stop talking for a bit?" Alex suggested, scooting to the very edge of the sofa.

"But I want to know!" Kitty insisted, a smirk playing on her lips, "Are you gonna get married? You're pretty old, so you've got to move fast before you both die."

"I'm not that old!" Alex sputtered in embarrassment. He felt his cheeks go hot. Jubilee burst out laughing, which caught the attention of the three students wrestling on the floor.

"What is it?" Tabitha asked, pushing strands of her blonde hair away from her face. Her previously neat ponytail was now lopsided and messy, no doubt from the wrestling match she'd just partaken in. Jubilee flopped off the couch, rolling around the floor as her laughter continued.

"Nothing!" Alex called out hastily, "How about we all play a game?"

"A game? We're not five," Roberto grumbled from where he was sitting on the floor.

"Oh, excuse me, I didn't realize you were too mature for fun at the ripe age of fifteen," Alex teased. Roberto was certainly the moodiest of the group, but that didn't faze Alex; had a similar attitude at that age. Alex had no doubt that just like his teenaged self, Roberto secretly did want to have fun with the rest of them.

"I want to play a game," Bobby piped up, while Tabitha nodded in agreement.

"Fine, but it better not be lame," Roberto said with a shrug.

Alex grinned. "Of course not. Now, we're going to need sticky notes and some pens—"

"I'll get them!" Kitty scrambled off the couch and raced out of the room, returning only a minute later with the required supplies.

"What kind of game is this?" Jubilee asked Alex, toying with one of the sticky note pads.

"Alright, I don't actually know what this game is called, but here are the rules," Alex explained, passing out the pens and notepads, "What you're going to do is write down the name of one person we know, then pass your note to the person on your left. Then, without looking at the note you were handed, stick it on your forehead. The goal is to ask yes or no questions until you figure out who the person is."

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