The end is coming

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I don't understand why the fuck I do this to myself,
I eliminated her from my life, I will never see her again,
Maybe for a few seconds on golf
course in a few years,
Honestly, I'm sick and tired of feeling sorry and in pain.

I do not need you,
I do not want you,
It all happened for you,
I don't need another two years.

I need to grow up by myself,
I'm in fucking hate,
Why the fuck I keep doing things just for yourself,
I was late before I was born.

Because you were born into a rich family,
I don't,
Just for that reason I couldn't have you anymore, sadly It was barely possible,
So I shouldn't have even tried to want her.

I don't need another fucking word from you,
I only need myself,
Because even if I get money you won't stay with me, because I will have already lost the opportunity (that you didn't give me),
So go fuck some boxer motherfuckers losers of bullshit by yourself.

I don't need you anymore,
Take what you want now, I'm fucking tired of your wearing......

Sick addiction,
Worse of lucks.

Because I always see the end before it happens,
The only problem is that I didn't accept it before,
Which means,
Now that I'm out of trouble, I have a new superpower.

And now I feel invincible,
I don't even know why the hell I gave you so much courage,
I couldn't understand how a human could be so horrible,
So I turned it around and made myself believe that it wasn't like that for an age.

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now