Grades Addiction.

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And when you lose that addition,
Maybe then you can restart,
You might be able to dance again, maybe one day you can say you won,
To earn something, win for once.

Twice I tried to commit suicide for you,
Several times I was physically hurt by you,
Terrible things I did to myself, in frightful additions among, because of your double side face,

Your creativity to hurt people without doing anything seems to be even higher than your grades,
Willy Wonka History, I guess.

And I may be going too far with these verses,
But when you know a person more than anything, you can exploit your power,
And I am tired of repressing it for a good that is not given to me, nor to my houses or bases or grades or names or any-shit,
So I'm leaving my self alone to be laughing in the future around the lower and higher crowd.

Maybe someone worth more than you will listen to me one day and can improve in something thanks to me.
I'm the one who does not worth enough to anyone's love,
So I'll be doing whatever I want then,
It's better than crying in bed.

If It Goes Up, Must Come Down. [Part 1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ