Chapter 1 -

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I looked into my mirror staring at my reflection. Long brown hair flowing to my tiny waist sitting upon my large behind. I sighed I was only 14 and yet I already looked like I had gone through all of puberty. All the boys at school would whistle as I walked by and try to 'pull' me as they would call it. Every second of my life was hated. Sometimes I would consider my death. Jumping from the 7th floor of my flat. I knew I was living most girls dream. I knew most girls would give anything to be me. I was so ungrateful I hated myself for that. How? I even knew I looked gorgeous. 

I glanced at myself one last time before clutching my school bag and walking a tad bit shakily towards my bedroom door reaching for the knob and opening it I walked through my flat and towards the door that would allow me to exit towards my parents flat on the floor below me. I loved my flat I had picked all of the furniture myself. The playful theme f my flat amazed me and  smiled everytime I looked around it. Everything I entered and exited it.

Walking towards the cold concrete stairwells I walked down it. Each step I took more cold and shaky. after reaching my parents floor I reached for their door handle to open it but froze when I heard the growl of something powerful. I needed to see. Where had the noise come from? Did I know where it had come from? Should I have already known that growl? Was it my imagination? I quickly turned around with one eye shut and one open to suddenly sigh a sigh I never knew I had been holding it. It was a sigh of relief. Nothing. Nobody and nothing there The cold hair swooshed (don't even think that's a word) past my small button nose. I looked down to the white converse I had been wearing with my light blue jeans and white tank top. Although it was cold it was warmer here than usually a high of 16 degrees.

I then turned to my parents door and grasped the knob to turn it and walked inside. I slowly walked past my fathers room making sure not to awaken the beast inside. I then continued to the kitchen and watched as my beautiful mother continued to cook my breakfeast. I sat at the beautiful black and space grey island in the middle of her kitchen. The kitchen was her domain she could cook anything to the perfect quality. That was one thing I loved about her. I loved lots of things about my mother she was an amazing cook. She was an amazing mother. She was my mother. My mother. Something I was so grateful of. I watched as she grabbed my toast as it popped out of it's toaster and into her hands then she swiftly picked up the knife. Carefully spreading some butter onto the plain warm bread she then took the raspberry jam and spread a touch of that too. I didn't like as much of that jam as I enjoyed the taste of golden butter melting in my mouth.

"Here you go sweetie". I was snapped out of my daze as a smiling mother sat a plate of warm toast in front of me. "Thanks Mum!" I Smiled taking a bite out of the first smile and instantly munching on it then swallowing it. Quickly as I had began my toast it was finished and I was on my way out the door again waving goodbye to my amazing mother. Remember not yours to touch. Mine to keep! 

I walked out of the little flat and towards the elevator. I didn't much feel like going down 6 slights of stauirs to the bottom floor. So I quickly pressed the elevator button and waited for it to arrive. I slowly stepped in uneasy as I realised 2 men were already in the elevator. Then as quickly as I realised who they were I began shaking. This was Cameron Patterson and his brother Euan Patterson. Euan was the hottie, player of my school year. Cameron of cource being the exact same but for his year which was by the was 3 years older than myself.

After spending a deadly quite 6 minutes in the elevator with them I got out and rushed to the school bus realising I was late. I got on and took my seat next to my best friend Katriana ( Aka Kitten. We all had cute names for each other I had 3 other friends who I could actually talk to in front of other people without them getting embarrassed. Kitten was adorable she had thick wavy shoulder length hair and big rosy cheeks. She was a bit plump for a werewolf but in every way possible she was beautiful not to mention her singing voice. 

I sat on the bus next to her and the pulled out my headphones I was second to get on the bus after her and I knew that I would be here a while before we even neared my school. I hit the shuffle button on my phone and the first song that came on was Bad Blood - Taylor Swift. I loved this song I would always imagine the girls in the video were all of my friends and I!  I hummed to the tune of the song as we slowed down picking up the next person. I instantly stopped once they got on scared they would say something to me horrible

After the 45 minute drive picking everyone up we walked towards the school. I walked with Kitten towards the large entrance that we would use everyday and into the social area. However a scent that doesn't usually happen to be lingering hit my nose. It smelled like fresh cookie and waffles with a springle of sugar. After just standing taking in the smell for 5 minutes I walked towards my Locker ready to begin my usual school routine.Today was a monday so I would for first period have Baking then I had art then double P.E after that I would get double period English then back on the bus and home.

Ben Cosby


I awoken in my bed as usual every morning and Jess' sent hit my nose. I knew she loved and adored me but I felt nothing the same for her. I thought she was an ugly ----------. She deserved nothing the was she threw herself at me.

After freaking out and Jess having to leave the house I began getting myself ready today I would have to go into public and do a talk to all the 3rd years at The Silver Shine Academy about how important it was to stick in at school all day everyday and never drop out - since I had just passed my final exam In home schooling collage.

I put a light blue button up shift on with some jeans and brown shoes. Nothing too boring but not-trying to show myself to everyone.I didn't need to do that. I walked out f my room ignoring everything I went straight to my car where my Beta Lennon sat in my car Waiting for me. "Late as usual" He joked. "Jess' usual sh!t" He just nodded and waited for me t pull out of the drive. I found it difficult to do most things with ease due to my anger problems. I drove at a constantly changing speed but didn't do too bad on this particular day. Something inside me told me today wouldn't be as bad as everyone maybe believed. 

As I pulled into a park spot which had been kindly marched out for me I got out of the car  tad bit faster than usual I wanted to get inside I felt like a loose string was pulling me closer. I waited for Lennon to join my side and we briskly walked side by side towards the large doors. But only when I entered did I stop dead in my tracks. 

"MATE" I roared.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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