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"Tell me his name again,"  Stark said quietly.  

"Thanos,"  I murmured, clenching my fists tightly and locking my jaw.  

Bruce took it from there, ranting with fear and stress in his voice.  When he got to the attack on New York I couldn't listen anymore.  I just tried to zone him out.  But they just seemed to have one problem after the other.  

The Avengers, the ones who were supposed to be Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Thor's friends, were toast.  That alone made me want to punch and chuck something at a glass door, as if I hadn't wanted too already.  

But then Stark got concerned about the Wizard moving his hair, and everyone started rushing outside.  I followed at a distance, taking everything in.  The wind was whipping past harder than it should, people were screaming and running.  

I hurried down the street and what I saw made me freeze.  Anger surged through my veins.  It was a flying donut, but I knew what it was.  Who had sent it.  

Two long, sharp icicles formed in my hands as I stalked closer, feeling the air go cold around me.  The boys were in a line, talking with two of the aliens.  Banner was trying to summon Hulk, but no more than his neck got green.  He stood back with one of the Wizards as Stark tapped his chest and his suit materialized.  

Then he flew into the air on a block of pavement after beating up the alien with a weapon.  I flung icicles at the maw, but he just flew them to the side with a wave of his hand.  The Wizards seemed to have things somewhat under control and I went to see where Stark had gone.  

When I arrived, a man in a red and blue suit had come out of nowhere and stopped the alien from smashing Stark with his weapon, but he quickly got flung aside.  I ran but got hit, slamming into a tree.  

I was still sore from fighting on the ship that I couldn't get up.  I watched the fight, trying to grab hold of something, anything, to pull me up.  But I couldn't.  They were beamed up, Stark flying up after them.  

Soon the ship was far from my vision, high up in the sky.  I'd failed.  

When I was finally able to stand, I hobbled over to find Banner.  He was dusting off the phone Stark had about to call Steve Rogers with.  The Wizard that was still on Earth left through a portal, leaving us to find the Avengers Tower on our end.  

If the Avengers weren't a thing, why did they still have a tower?  

We were greeted by a guy named Rhodey and Banner told him everything in a long, worried rant.  We entered the building, waiting for Steve Rogers to show up with Vision, who apparently had the Mind Stone.  

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