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I-Na- "Abeojiiiiii.... Appaaaa"

Kim-Ru-Ahn- "Yeah, I-Naya... Honey what is it?"

I-Na- "I cannot find my black dress. Where is it? You didn't collect from the boutique?".

Kim-Ru-Ahn- "I'm so sorry my princess, I totally forgot to get it from the boutique. I'll tell Mr. Ryu, he will bring it".

I-Na- "Nah Dad that's fine. I'll wear something else, As it is you're late for the case hearing".

Kim-Ru-Ahn- "Good to hear that you still supporting me with the case".

I-Na- "That is what you love the most. I told you already dad, this case is really very risky but you don't listen. And want to go for it so far, when you already know what you are into".

Kim-Ru-Ahn- "I want to bring the justice to those family who suffered and those who lost their lives in that basement".

I-Na- "That basement belongs to someone powerful you know that dad. He so much powerful and he will do anything to make anyone suffer including you and even me".

Kim-Ru-Ahn- "Why do you say that? And no one knows till now that you're my daughter, so nothing to worry about and I'll take care of everything".

I-Na- "And there is a reason, that you never gave me the status of being your daughter. I also know that it's for my good but...but my instincts are telling me something terrible is about to happen, why don't you listen to me?".

Kim-Ru-Ahn- "Don't worry I-Na, everything will be fine. Trust me".

I-Na- "Dad, please stay away from this case. Take a break. We will go to aunt's place please. Just for once listen to me".

Kim-Ru-Ahn- "Enough is enough I-Na. I'm working right now. And those people need me there. I raised you to be strong not to be a coward".

I-Na- "Fine! Do what you feel like doing dad. I want you alive not dead by someone else, the thing is I have only you and you don't get it dad, you seriously don't. You are selfish and your selfishness would bring something terrible. I wish I would have died in that car accident instead of mom".

Kim-Ru-Ahn- "I-Na, I-Na.... I-Nayaaa don't say that... Listen to me.... Have your breakfast atleast".

And she left the house in anger. Kim-Ru-Ahn, is a famous criminal lawyer and a best attorney in town of South Korea. He's known for his work, he always followed the right path. In his entire carrier he never lost a single case, until recently he faced a very difficult and tangled case to solve. In the process to bring justice he faced many challenges. Even survived the deadly attacks made by other parties to stope him. He was accused many times for being biased but he cared about that little because he always believe in truth no matter how hard it is to prove. Kim-Ru-Ahn is fierce as fire and cold as ice and his daughter Kim-I-Na is replica of his attitude but their ideologies were not alike.

Kim-I-Na pursuing her Architecture degree and she's in the last year and little time left for the exam. She is an extrovert with a cheerful personality. Her smile is magical, that illuminates a kindness and good energy. She is really famous in the college due to her good performance in academic field and she's always on top and that is why her father Kim-Ru-Ahn is always proud of her. But still I-Na is mysterious, as if she's also living a dual life that nobody knows. Though no one knows that her father is an famous attorney because he kept it a secret, he didn't wanted her daughter to suffer or to go on something that she doesn't deserve, like becoming a pray to his enemies. Being a lawyer who work to bring justice, law and order always has to pay the price. Kim-Ru-Ahn became the ultimate problem and hindrance to the law breakers. He is the only hope to the people who faced injustice. All this while he dedicated his life to bring the justice and he remained that way fierce and focused until he faced a very difficult and different case that, he knew it will cost his life in that process.

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