Chapter 6

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Splinter raised his head to view the cowering 5 children before him. He brought his hand to his forehead to rub away the forming headache and practiced his breathing exercises to keep his anger at bay.

He looked upon the new comer, noting how desperate she was for help. She was skinny, too skinny. She was covered in dirt and questionable elements, and dried blood turned a metallic brown in the light, effectively snagging Splinter's attention.

As he looked over her circumstances, the little girl raised her head slowly to look at Splinter. Splinter's fuzzy eyebrow raised, his heart hardened by the thought of this little girl possibly bringing harm to his family.

But the little girl smiled softly at Splinter.

The innocence in her smile make Splinter's mind and heart stopped, and he was overcome with shame towards his initial thoughts of the girl. She was no older than 5 and she needed their help. She needed his help.

Splinter was taken back to when the turtles were beginning their transformation, and how they naturally gravitated to him. Splinter looked upon the girl, and he was reminded of the love he felt to the turtles when he realized he would forever claim them as his sons. That new feeling of love that promised to take these children and prepare them for life, to lay down his life for their very safety, and to face down anything that stood between him and his children.

Shaken to his roots, Splinter looked upon the bowed forms of his four sons. And a smile spread across his muzzle. Pride filled his hearts at their gentleness towards this little girl who needed their help, and he was proud they had done the right thing by bringing her to the lair.

"Rise." Splinter spoke firmly. The boys flinched, but gathered their feet under them and slowly raised their heads to accept their punishment.

They looked upon a very proud father instead of an angry one. "Well done, my sons." Splinter spoke gently, love and pride filtering into his words. The boys were taken off guard, looking to each other questioningly.

Splinter chuckled before he turned his attention back to the girl. He stepped forward, and held his hand out to her gently. She turned her face up to see him, and as Splinter looked into her innocent, yet determined eyes, he had a feeling they all would grow to care for the girl. "How about we get you some food, child?" Light filtered into her soul at that, and she gladly took his hand.

The boys watched as they walked away towards the kitchen, and they tried sneaking off to their rooms. "My sons, since you decided to go on your own little adventure, I assume that means you are all well rested enough to stay up a while longer." he looked behind at them, "We still have much to discuss." His statement deflated their hopes of going without punishment or a lecture for their little adventure.

Splinter turned back to the little girl by his side as they walked, "Now tell me, what is your name, child?"

The little girl turned up at Splinter with a large, glittering smile. "My name is Raelynn!"

(Ps, sorry for the short chapter. I'm doing some major editing)

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