Chapter 64

77 21 227

December 7, 2025

"Can you leave my son alone?" he suddenly asks.

My eyes widened in an instant, and I felt like all the blood circulating in my body just left.

It's like I was splashed with cold water on my face. I froze in my seat, unable to move.

The nervousness I felt when I stepped foot in this room earlier just tripled.

To be honest, I was kind of excited to come here earlier because I wanted to know him more. I planned to catch up with him as well since we haven't met again after our introduction.

I just figured he was nice since he seemed cool the first time we met.

But now... did he just ask me if I could leave his son? Am I really hearing this right?

"P-Pardon?" I replied, stutteringly.

"You heard me, child," he nonchalantly said as if it was nothing to him.

What is he saying?

Why does he want me to leave his son?

I thought he was cool with our relationship. I was so relieved at that time, but... what is this now?

"S-Sir, I... I'm-" I said, my voice shaking because I was nervous about what he might say next.

"Look, kid, Russelle is my only heir, and I don't want him to waste his life on someone like..." he said, and he looked at me with so much disdain in his eyes before he continued to say, "You."

Dang! My eyes instantly got watery. What is this behavior? What happened to hi and hello?

Oh, damn it! I don't want to cry in front of this man.

Is he really mocking me? He thinks Zeke will just waste his life when he's with me? Is it because I'm a guy? Is it because we're both guys?

"I heard you're smart," he nonchalantly said.

I was silent. I didn't know what to say to him at the moment.

My mind was so confused as to why is this happening to me.

"If you're really smart then you know that my son has a bright future ahead of him. He will be the head of our company in just a few years. The company that my father entrusted to me," he said.

"It is a tradition that we passed on from generation to generation. It is the company that my future grandchild from him will lead as well. Now, he can't do that if he can't produce an heir, right?" he continued.

I bit my lips and I tried to understand what he said, but I felt so close to walking out. I wanted to escape this situation right now. I feel so powerless. I feel suffocated.

"We both know you two can't reproduce on your own, right? So I'm letting you know as early as now that I won't let anyone especially someone like you hinder my son's way toward becoming the best," he sternly added.

Shit! Why are my hands trembling? Why am I so scared?

Oh, fuck! I feel my sweat flowing from my neck to my back. The air coming from the air-condition just worsened my situation.

Why is his voice so commanding?

Oh, dang! Is this really happening?

"I'm going to be brutally honest with you kid. I don't like you for my son. I don't know what letter you are in that damn alphabet or what voodoo shit you did to make my son like you, but... I won't let you waste all my efforts in making our company as to what it is today," he said, glaring at me.

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