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"Ahh, HELP! SOMEONE!" He tried to escape, knowing it was useless. They would find him again.

They always did.

"Are you going to run away again? You know it's useless, right? The more you run, the more people die, first your dad, then your grandma, who do you think will be next?"

He stopped right where he was, and fell to his knees.

He would end up having to kill more people in the end. Maybe, it was better to just give up and do whatever he was told to.

"Who are you? What do you want me to do?!" He turned to face the three masked people.

"Finally, you ask the important questions..... I'm no.7"


"And I'm no.9"

"We're from Minisort Agency, we work with rich people. Well, not just any rich people.

We work with the sadistic rich people, the ones who aren't satisfied enough with the drama in their life.

They want to see people suffer, see them die, betray each other, you get what I'm trying to say" No.7 says.

"We just need a group of twelve close friends, and we know you've got the perfect people.

We've monitored all of your friends enough to realise that you're the easiest, most weakest target, that everyone trusts.

It's more fun when the unexpected person turns out to be the villain, right?

So, would you rather have your family die or.... betray your friends, while playing the most thrilling game you've ever played in your life?" No.5 steps forward.

He thinks for a moment.

"What exactly am I supposed to do?"

"You're birthday's coming up, isn't it?"

He nodded, not being able to speak due to the throbbing pain in his throat from holding in the tears.


Thanks for reading Drunk-Dazed!

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