Taehyung's past

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He raised by his father after his mother died as a child, he always wanted to be a mother. When his father asked him "what do you want to be when you grow up" Taehyung innocently said "I want to be a mother when I grow up", he loved children from a very young age.But after some years his father also died. He was very broken, I am an orphan I met him in my primary school. Then Taehyung's father loved me like his own son, after he died, Taehyung and I decided to live together. Taehyung told me exactly five years ago.!!" Jimin was talking to Jeongguk and Yoongi.

5 years ago FLASH BACK

*During in vitro fertilization, mature eggs are collected from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab. Then a procedure is done to place one or more of the fertilized eggs, called embryos, in a uterus, which is where babies develop. One full cycle of IVF takes about 2 to 3 weeks.* ( Thanks to Google)

With Taehyung and Jimin

Jimin I thought this is a good time I want to be a mother!!" Hearing Taehyung's sudden words, the glass fell from Jimin's hand and the water splashed here and there. "Are you crazy?? It's been a year since you joined the job, how can it happen so soon?! You don't even have a boyfriend!!" Jimin said angrily. Taehyung went and grabbed jimin's hand and said "Please listen to my whole sentence!!" Jimin glared at him angrily. "I want to get pregnant by IVF!!" As soon as Taehyung said that, Jimin said "Who will give you sperm?!" Taehyung said "Many people give it like that if we talk to the doctor, the doctor will collect it for us!!"

Hearing Taehyung's words, Jimin looked at him in disbelief. Jimin looked at him and said "Then you adopt a baby from the orphanage!!" "I know I can adopt a baby if I want to, but I want to get pregnant myself and give birth to my own baby!!Then when my baby is a little older I will go and adopt a baby!!"" Taehyung said with tears in his eyes.

The next day, Taehyung and Jimin left the office after work to talk to the doctor. The doctor prescribed Taehyung some medicine for the first six months, because Taehyung's womb was a little weak to hold the baby.

10 months later

Taehyung is now perfectly healthy and he is now one month pregnant. he still goes to work at his office, thinking he will take 10 months off when he is five months pregnant.

Taehyung is very happy, he can't explain his happiness in words or sentences! Jimin is sitting next to him with his head resting on his stomach and Jimin is talking to the baby growing in his womb.

"Don't bother your mother ok!! Your mother loves you very much, more than me. For this, he took you home without thinking about me. I was the most loved in your mother's life but you took my place you little mouse!!" Jimin said with a big pout. Taehyung gave Jimin a hard pat on the head and said "Don't call my baby a little mouse!!"

 Taehyung gave Jimin a hard pat on the head and said "Don't call my baby a little mouse!!"

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"I'll tell you a thousand times, you don't love me anymore!!" Jimin looked at Taehyung with tears in his eyes

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"I'll tell you a thousand times, you don't love me anymore!!" Jimin looked at Taehyung with tears in his eyes.Taehyung looked at jimin and said "I'm pregnant, I'm supposed to have mood swings, but look at you, you're crying instead of me!" Taehyung said with a done face towards Jimin.

Taehyung in 5 months

Jimin you listen to me, you don't have to go with me even though you're cold I'll book a cab from home!!  Please don't worry!!" Taehyung said this to Jimin while leaving the house!

In hospital

"You're perfectly fine, you don't have to worry about the baby." The doctor smiled at Taehyung and said.  "Thank you Doctor I will be forever grateful to you!!"  Taehyung said looking at the doctor.  "There's nothing to be thankful for it's our job!! But being healthy doesn't mean you don't maintain yourself. Eat a little better and baby will be healthy!!"  After talking to the doctor, Taehyung left.

He booked a cab standing on the roadside and was very pleased to see an ice cream shop on the other side

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He booked a cab standing on the roadside and was very pleased to see an ice cream shop on the other side.  He saw that the traffic light was now red so he could go.  He was slowly moving towards it.  Suddenly, a car came and hit him hard, before he realized anything, he was thrown away.  The car did not honk the horn, and the car did not stop after hitting him.

Taehyung was lying there in a pool of his own blood, people came out from many nearby shops to see him and the hospital was very close and he was admitted there.  The doctor saw Taehyung in this condition and called Jimin. Taehyung cried to the doctor and said, "Please save my child!!"

Jimin was sleeping after taking the medicine when suddenly his phone rang and he picked up the phone and heard the news and the phone fell from his hand.  He took the phone in his hand and ran towards the hospital.



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