🍎🐥Lucifer x Reader🐥🍎

789 12 11

Requested by: @Cosmos molsCute23

Smut! If you don't like it! Then don't read it
It was morning in Hell, red light was peaking through the velvet red curtains, making the red beams glow.
Lucifer was still sleeping, while you were awake, but Lucifer had spoon you when you were asleep and you couldn't move.

And you could feel his...member...touching your back.
You felt hot and blushed.

Meanwhile, Lucifer was actually awake, but he knew you felt hot and....in heat, but it was only morning.
Then Lucifer sat up and looked down at you.
You looked so beautiful/handsome/gorgeous to him.
He placed his hand on your shoulder and rubbed it softly, making you turn your head around to look at him.

"Good morning, hun" He said smoothly.

You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "Morning"

He smiled at you and looked up and down at you.
He chuckled a bit and leaned over you and placed his lips on yours.
You gladly accepted it.

Lucifer wrapped his arms around your waist and licked your lips with his tongue, wanting to enter in your mouth.
You opened your mouth for his tongue to enter.
It explored the inside of your mouth, playing with your tongue.

After a few seconds, Lucifer let go for some air and he huffed.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in again for more, he accepted and lick everywhere in your mouth.

Then after a minute or two, Lucifer softly laid you down on the bed and he smirked, while undressing himself.

He got rid on his his clothes, and undid your clothes.
He kept smirking till he pulled down your pants.

You blushed red and he leaned down for another kiss.

You slithered your hands on his neck, making him feel ticklish.
He started to kiss your neck, which made you moan quietly.
But, he didn't let that stop him, he then went down to your chest, then your stomach, then to your....entrance~

This was his favourite part~

He then slowly licked your entrance with his tongue and you gritted your teeth and gently grabbed Lucifer's hair and tugged it. "~Ah~Luci~"

Luci groaned as you tugged his hair.
He began to lick a bit faster. He wanted to hear you moan for him and to listen to those sweet moans.

"~A-Ah!~" You moaned a bit loud, which made Lucifer go faster and faster.
"~W-What's....g-gotten I-In to y-you?~"
You moaned as you grinned on to his hair even harder.

"~Just enjoy~"
Lucifer said in a heavy tone.

You used your other hand to grip on to the bedsheet and then you released.

Lucifer licked every last bit of it and smirked. "~You taste good~ You made out of sugar or something?~"

You just blushed and smiled a bit.
Lucifer switched and letting you be the top.
You smirked and got on top of him and you slowly entered him.
He gripped on to your back and started to claw it.

The room was filled with moans, grunts and groans.
Mostly Lucifer was making those sounds (LOL)

You started to go faster, which made him moan a lot louder and his clawed your back harder.
Then Luci started to grow his horns out, he must really like it.
Then his tail grew out and wagged really fast.

"~Ah~Ah!~Y/N~" He moaned out your name.
"Did I say...you can speak?" You smirked and rubbed his chest with your hand and the other one holding his hand.

Lucifer began to show his full demon form and he grunted and moaned at the same time.
"~I-I'm...n-not gonna l-l-last long, Y/N~" He said through his moans.

"~Just release it, Luci~" You said.

Lucifer didn't say anything else, till he released his cum.
You laid down on his chest as Luci laid his arms still around your back.

Did I actually write this?!
Cuz it is amazing! I slayed 💅💅💅

This is probably the longest I have written a oneshot!

Aren't you guys proud of me?! 😝💕

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