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Witnesses were stunned when a time-honoured tradition was upstaged by a shocking and unprecedented outburst by one of the monarchy's favourite family members.

Yesterday, the royal family gathered on the Buckingham Palace balcony for Trooping the Colour, the official event to celebrate King Frederick's 60th birthday. All eyes were on the youngest royals, Prince George (eight-years-old) and Princess Victoria (three-years-old). This was their first official appearance together as the heir and the spare.

Princess Victoria was the star of the show, jumping up and down while the planes flew overhead. Everyone on the balcony was looking at the planes, but the cameras were focused on the young Princess, behaving like any toddler would in that situation.

Her brother George, the proper Prince in every way, could be seen nudging her to try to get her to settle down.

When it became too distracting, for the photographers and the royal family to have one of the children bouncing around, her father, Prince Charles, picked up the Princess to try to calm her down. She was still waving her arms and making a fuss.

You may remember last month, she waved at the cameras as the family walked into church one weekend. We knew she would give the reporters some attention, so we made sure to watch her this time.

Princess Victoria wouldn't stop flailing around, so her father turned his back to bring her inside. Just before he could step through the door, the Princess shouted a word that cannot be reprinted in this article. It was so outrageous that everyone on the balcony, and on the reporter's stage, went silent. It has never been so quiet at Trooping the Colour.

If this were an ordinary toddler, people could laugh it off. But since Princess Victoria is the spare to the heir, she should always be on her best behaviour. The question on everyone's mind is, where did she hear this language? Does the King speak like this in front of his grandchildren? Was it her commoner mother, Princess Louise? Or perhaps Prince George picked it up at school?

One thing is for certain: All eyes will be on Princess Victoria for years to come to see what she will do next!

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