how you met them

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Claire: it was also your first day of school and you bumped into her while you were walking to the school, you guys became friends!

Engel: you and Engel were friends for a while, you guys met in 3rd grade

Bubble: you guys met in kindergarten, you fell off of the swing and she helped you get up

Lana: you met her when it was your second day of school, she was really sweet to you

Abbie: you were one of the smartest kids in the class and he was failing the class and he wanted you to tutor him since you looked more friendly then the other smart people

Oliver: you guys didn't really became friends, he always bullies you and you don't understand why(by the way you gonna have a poly relationship with Oliver and Alice)

Zip: you were one of the popular people in the school and Zip didn't like you(or does she?)you guys are rivals

Edward: you liked science and so does Edward! you guys became besties :D

Lizzy: you were one of the handsomeness/prettiest people in the school and she wanted you to be in her friend group

Petunia: it was your first day of school and you decided to talk to her, surprisingly she was really nice and she asked you if you wanted to hang out at lunch time

Kevin: you were failing your classes and decided to ask Kevin to be your tutor, he refused but you bribed him :>

Cubbie: you guys became friends when you were still babies

Robby: met him throught Ruby

Riley: also met her throught Ruby

Ruby: you met her outside of school, you recognized her and decided to talk to her, you guys talked and became friends

Skell: met him throught Ruby lol(i'm running out of ideas)


Miss Circle:  you were a waiter at a cafe and she asked you for your number

Miss Bloomie: you applied as a gym teacher and you met her

Miss Thavel: you were the janitor for a while before she became a teacher

Miss Emily: bumped into eachother, you both apologize but then you asked for her number

Mister Demi: you guys met in highschool

Miss Sasha: you were Mister Demi's relative and you were visiting the school but you accidentally bumped into her

Miss Grace: childhood friends :D

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