── oversleeping incident

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Miles yawned as he walked down the path he would normally walk on with Janzen. He figured that since today was the day that Janzen had to be in school early for clean-up duty or whatever, he didn't care to really pay attention; all he saw was less time with Janzen. Miles stretched and turned his head slightly, was he still there? "Miles!!! Hey Miles!! Come on, let's walk together!!! Sigma to sigma!!" Miles groaned, it turns out he was still there after all.. Miles turned around fully to look at who it was. It was Elijah. Elijah quickly sped up his walk, almost running. "Hey man, what's up? You don't look so happy, did you lose your mewing streak?" Miles sighed loudly, where's Jannie when you need him? And why do I have to be stuck with this brainrotted freak? "No, I'm fine Elijah." Elijah gave an excited smile, "Anyways... as I was saying! So I was watching skibidi-toilet this morning and then I suddenly lost track of the time, and then I happened to run into you walking on your own; so I wanted to ask if I could walk with you!" Every part of Miles' mind was telling him to say no, NONO! But he really didn't have any other option, and since this was Janzen's friend then he might as well try to get along with him.. "Okay." He attempted to be friendly but he delivered the line in a very very monotone voice. Elijah gave him a pat on the back, "Come on then, let's go fellow sigma!" Elijah began to start running which startled Miles. "Wait! Where the hell are you going?!" Miles couldn't help but run after him. "I'm literally about to hit a clip!!!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Awoken by the noise outside, Janzen gets up (half-awake) and closes the curtains; not realizing that it was a school day.

Eventually, Miles (and Elijah) made it to school unscathed. They walked for a little bit before splitting off to go their separate paths. "Bye skibidi-sigma! I'll see you around!" Miles could only get out a wave before looking around the hallway. Normally, Janzen stood there, "Maintaining the order" as he called it. However, no matter where Miles looked, he wasn't there. He must've already gone to class maybe.. Miles sped-walk to class and burst open the door; "Ohh Jannie! I know you're here!" He looked around for a second before realizing that Janzen was not in class, and the rest of the class just stared at him. Miles stared blankly before walking over to his desk dejectedly. He placed his head on the table and he could hear Albert laughing at him. He laid still on his desk until class was over and once it was he walked out without a word. Miles thought to himself, maybe he had some other school-related thing happening... Because there was no way that he would be late right..? For the 2 lessons, Miles was more quiet then he usually was, so much so that the people around him began to notice. The first to notice was Kaden, poking his back with a pencil. Miles immediately sat up, "Huh?? What?? Oh, It's just you Kaden, what's up?" Miles gave a small smile and sat sideways on his chair. Kaden smiled nervously at him, slightly worried. "Are you alright, do you need to go to the nurse's office? You seem different.." Miles was slightly shocked, "Oh? Really.. I didn't really notice.." He laughed it off but Kaden continued to ask him about it. "Is something bothering you?" "Uhm.." Kaden was the type of person who didn't force things on people, but it felt like if you were around him you just felt compelled to give him what he wanted. "Yeah, I guess something's bothering me.. You know Jannie right? Or the hall monitor as you guys call him... well I haven't seen him all day and I wonder if something happened.." Kaden's eyes immediately lit up, "Wait, you're upset about the hall monitor as you said? Really? What is bothering you so much?" Miles was even more confused at the sudden enthusiasm from Kaden. "Oh, um, I guess I just miss him, I normally walk with him to school so it was just kind of lonely.." "I see.. Well, I'm sure it's nothing too serious, but you never know, maybe you could go do some investigating yourself." Kaden gave a smug smile to Miles but Miles didn't understand what he meant at the time, so he just turned around and sat staring at the front of class again.

The bell rang which indicated that the first recess had begun. Everyone began to flow out of the class, including Miles who was still slightly off. He walked over to a bench and sat down, attempting to relax. He sighed to himself, where could Jannie have gone? He sat there for a while, slightly agitated; fidgeting with his hands, tapping his foot on the ground, until he thought about something. Maybe Kaden was right, he did need to do some investigating! So, Miles began asking around about Janzen. "H-Hey! Come back! Temprist!!" Miles ran up to Temprist in a hurry. "Woah, what's got you so worked up?" Temprist laughed. "Listen.. I know you don't like him that much... but have you seen Jannie- I mean Janzen! Janzen. The hall monitor." Temprist stared at him, slightly confused. "No.. I haven't.. Why do you ask? Has he not shown up to school for once?" Temprist laughed to himself again. "No Temp this is serious!! What if something happened?!" Miles' voice began to wobble slightly, causing Temprist to sigh and offer some reassurance. "Listen, I'm sure nothing bad happened okay? But I don't know anymore than that, maybe if you asked Albert? He knows a lot more about all of us than anyone else." Miles gasped, "Oh my god Temp you're a genius!!!" Quickly, he shook Temprist's hand and ran off to go find Albert. Temprist was slightly stunned but left quickly to go meet up with Kaden and Dani. "Albert!!" Albert was at the end of the hallway, talking to Jake, until he quickly turned his head and moved out of the way of Miles who was running at full speed. "DUDE! WHAT'S YOUR ISSUE?! You could've crashed into me!" Miles stopped and turned to look at Albert, "Albert.. Have you seen Janzen? If anyone would've seen him it would be you right? Since you live in front of the school?" Albert, still annoyed at Miles, responded. "Man, I know I live in front of the school, it's MY house.. But, I oversleep most days and don't look out my window to see who's showing up to school.. That's just weird.. So no, I haven't seen him." Miles looked away for a second, before turning back to look at Albert and putting his hands on Albert's shoulders, shaking him. "Oh come on!! Please!!! Someone had to have seen Jannie today!! Oh please!!" Miles almost seemed teary-eyed, with a very unamused Albert shouting back at him. "GET OFF ME!! DUDE I DON'T KNOW AND THAT'S FINAL, AND WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE!" Miles continued shaking him until he realized something. Albert said he normally overslept.... Oversleeping! "WAIT! Thanks Albert!! I'm outta here!!" He suddenly let Albert go and he ran off once again. Albert began to speak again, "Man.. what the fuck was that? Where is he even off to now.." Jake, who stood behind Albert the entire time, tapped his shoulder. "Wait.. Albert.. What if he's gonna do that thing he did when I overslept?" Albert thought for a moment and then began to laugh hysterically, "Miles really is such an idiot."

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