Chapter 2

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Exiting the library, I took a deep breath of fresh air. The library, with its towering shelves and hushed reverence, already felt like a second home. Today's adventure had been epic, diving headfirst into the world of literature alongside Professor Namjoon. The thought of him brought a smile to my face. His passion was contagious, igniting a spark in me that begged to be explored further.

Since the university wasn't too far, I decided to walk home. It was a time to process, to let the professor's words wash over me and soak into my soul. Besides, I wasn't much of a bus person. The jostling crowds always left me feeling overwhelmed, yearning for the quiet solitude walking offered.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, jolting me from my reverie. With a jolt, I remembered – the results. The results of the entrance exams that could potentially determine my future. Honestly, the outcome didn't matter as much to me as it seemed to matter to my parents. Seoul, London, any prestigious university – they were all out of the question. Mom and Dad had their hearts set on a "good" local college, one that would reinforce their image in the eyes of their nosy neighbors. My dreams, my aspirations for a bigger world, seemed to be irrelevant in their carefully constructed plan.

Anxiety gnawed at me as I quickened my pace towards home. Each step felt heavier, the weight of their expectations settling on my shoulders. This wasn't just about a university acceptance letter; it was about the freedom to choose my own path, to chase my own dreams.

Reaching my doorstep, I fumbled for my keys, my heart hammering a frantic rhythm against my ribs. Two years of relentless studying, of late nights fueled by coffee and sheer determination, had all come down to this. Taking a deep breath, I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

The house was silent, an unsettling quiet that amplified my nervousness. Mom must be in the kitchen, whipping up something delicious as a reward for my "good" results. The thought left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Without a greeting, I made a beeline for my room, the crumpled letter clutched in my sweaty hand. Ignoring the growing knot in my stomach, I tore it open, the white paper shimmering under the dim light.

My eyes scanned the page, searching for the words that would define my future. And then, there it was, in bold print: "Congratulations! You have been accepted to..." My breath caught in my throat. It wasn't a local college. It wasn't even in Daegu. It was... a university in Busan. Not Seoul, London, or anywhere near my parents' expectations, but a whole new city, a different coast, a chance to breathe.

A wave of relief washed over me, mingled with a surge of unexpected joy. Busan. It wasn't the world, but it was a step, a beginning on a path I had chosen. Maybe, just maybe, this was just the start of my own journey of exploration, independent of their approval.

Gripping the letter tightly, a defiant smile crept onto my face. Tonight, I wouldn't crumble under their judgment. Tonight, I would celebrate my own victory, my own small leap towards the vast ocean of possibilities that lay ahead.  

Dad practically vibrated next to me as I scrolled through the online portal, the acceptance letter from Busan National University glowing on the screen. "There it is!" he boomed, a wide grin splitting his face. "Busan National University! Knew you could do it, Y/N!"

Mom, who had been hovering by the kitchen doorway, materialized beside us, a plate piled high with expensive chocolates – the ones Dad had specifically brought for me as a "congratulations" treat. Her smile, however, seemed a tad strained.

The door creaked open just then, and in bustled Mrs. Shin, the self-appointed FBI of our neighborhood. Her eyes, sharp as a hawk's, darted around the room before settling on the laptop screen. Ah, Mrs. Shin. The woman who considered it her life's mission to measure our lives against her granddaughter, Chaewon.

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