Announcement thingy idfk lmao

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I wanna do this announcement thingy in.. most of my new stories.. Idk.

So, This story, Direct sequel to Toolguns And Grimm. It'll be incorporating some of the things from the prequel, Namely, The spawning mechanic. Now I don't wanna spoil what this story is about, but if you can guess by the tags, Good on you! I'd hug you but I can't. Now, there's gonna be alot of differences between this and the other story, Namely... Writing style! I'm sick and tired of having to constantly type name: dialogue and then seperate the events in different paragraphs, In my time of amateur writing in school I always did my writing like this:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog "Mate the fuck ya doin' ya bitch" the dog said/more events

One, This is harder to read but will lessen the need for me to constantly press Return on my keyboard. I swear my Return key is gonna break once TaG is done. And two this also removes the need to have me constantly write the name of the character since.. I quite litterally remember all my story characters by memory and can easily throw them out of my mouth on instinct.

Reason I didn't do it here is one basic reason, I did everything on Wattpad editor. No, I'm not joking, Heck I'm typed this out on Wattpad editor. I really didn't like how Wattpad editor is with me having to constantly edit everything (and sometimes the font/image editor doesnt work until I reopen the chapter!) on a rudimentary system. And I HATE how the centering of the editor works, Holy fuck.

And I also have a plan for this story, Unlike TaG where I mostly improvised from the script of RWBY and adding more events to it, I am (as of writing this) going to try to drastically alter the events of RWBY in my story. The plan for this story is relatively simple, but I won't spill it here. I don't want to spoil it here.

Anyways, If the first few chapters are out and you haven't read TaG, I recommend you read that first. The thing is easily bingeable (At max 2 and a half hours, 50 minutes if you're a fast reader like me.). Red out, Sea you on the chapters, Friends.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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