Chapter 1: A Jaded Outlook

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Inside a conference room consists of a long table with a couple of chairs, and a giant board covered with gibberish splattered all over like a public bathroom but set up in a way a child rambles of a plan. Each seat, minus one on the right side of the table, is situated by 4 demons having a meeting. Three of which are imps but two specific imps snuggling closely together. The other one who must be the boss is near the giant board discussing and pointing at whatever seems important and the last one sitting alone being a female hellhound just in her little world typing away on her phone.

"Annnd that was the plan. Does anyone have questions or just leave a comment on how my outfit looks? Wanna get the ball rolling for that." he adjusts the red skull charm on his neck giving it a slight adjustment to look better while wiping his sleeves from his tattered slate gray coat with a bright smile looking at his camaraderie sitting at the table awaiting for their opinion.

A lingering silence hung in the air with only hearing the untuned fan spinning and the continued typing from the hellhound phone seemingly not even hearing what was happening yet on the opposite end, the other female worker gave a light clapping from another hearing his plan giving the old one hundred percent enthusiasm in with the plan and no change of it while the one being cuddled with next to her being unamused from his plan decided to speak up.

"Excuse me sir but if I may toot my horns that wasn't a plan."

"Well excuuuse me but that wasn't a question!" he rubs the front of his head in annoyance at his fellow employee.

"And I if may add my "comment" Moxie! It's not sir just call me 'Blitzø' minus the ø of course. Know what FUCK it!" he slams his hands on the table wiping a bit off the board to write something new onto it. "Need me to plan out instead on how to spell it out for you!" he writes his name in bold letters pointing at each one and sounding it all out together.

Moxie breathed in and out slowly keeping himself composed despite Blitzø's behavior as it wasn't the first time he had berated him and even worse from his adoptive daughter named 'Loona' who thankfully hadn't even had the slightest ounce of care to weigh in on the conversation.

Moxie felt his body softly cuddled with his newlywed wife as she gave him soft head pats and leaned into his ear, giving whispers of positivity.

"Sh sh, there there honey just take a deep breath and relax. I don't want you to have a panic attack, dear." she smiles at him softly.

"I know I know but thank you Millie." he smiles back as she softly kisses him on the cheek Loona finally looks away from her phone seeing the display of affection looking at disgust showcasing a face acting as if she threw up from seeing what's in front of her to which caused Moxie to showcase his displeasure from her action except for Millie either oblivious or letting it slide as she focuses her attention on Blitzø with that same cheery demeanor.

"Well, if I must say blitzø, there ain't nothing wrong with this plan. After all the only official plan in the end to me that is to kill all sons of bitches. That's my official plan hehe~" she lightly laughs to herself.

"Exactly Mille! As long as the target is dead and whoever else gets in the way is gone then its mission accomplished." He looks towards Moxie with a smug smile. "You see Moxie maybe with a little pep in your attitude you can lose that extra weight of keeping yourself handicapped to being handicapable for the company!"

Moxie stares back in disbelief while Loona chuckles to herself continuously scrolling on her phone until looking up from her phone when Blitzø calls for her.

"Alright, Loonie could you be a dear and set up the portal for us?" He looks at her with both hands clasped together giving puppy dog eyes like he is begging. Loona, seeing this grunted in dissatisfaction shaking her head before quickly grabbing the book and begin flipping the pages to get to the designated spell thinking of that weird display Blitz showed which one could say is 'affection' towards another that they care about but ultimately settled how she felt of it.

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