Chapter 67 - Never Death Do Us Part

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A lovely afternoon again, in the same sprawling mansion that belonged to the creator. The same interior, the same designs. Felicia could modify her house within seconds, recreating and rearranging the furnishings within her wish but she would rather keep it between minimalistic and having nothing at all.

Luxury was her main interior style, and she ought to give the vibe.

In the still hours of the day, Felicia was found in the gym, pushing herself to new heights, surpassing even her own previous records with her weightlifting prowess. After finishing her workout, she made her way downstairs and into the kitchen, where she intended to refill her water bottle with fresh liquid to quench her thirst.

A smile curled upon her lips as she met her lover, who was present in the kitchen. The golden eyes of the redhead traced the movements of his soft brown tail, swaying in a leisurely manner while his fluffy ears added to his adorable self. He hummed a joyful tone as his fingers worked the way of the knife, cutting up some cabbages.

As Felicia leant against the doorway, her eyes still fixated on the man within and never will evade, her thoughts were filled with an unshakeable sense of pride. Mocha's body, once malnourished, now appeared to have gained weight, and Felicia couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction that her providing nutritional meals for the man had paid off. He was better and healthier in her care.

"Darling." She called.

As Felicia's voice reached Mocha's ears, his body flinched, causing him to accidentally slice his finger slightly on the cutting board. "Ah!"

Blood trickled a drop, and Felicia rushed towards him, eyes on the wound. "Hey, it's alright. Let me help." She offered.

"I'm sorry..." Mocha muttered.

"No need, it is my fault." Felicia smiled at his overdosed kindness, even though it wasn't his fault his lips always pursued an apology. His mood swings were now easy for her to understand, the sudden anger, sadness, and overloaded joy. The redhead did some research about felines.

Red circles began to form in her palm like a digital hologram. The air around her glitched and distorted, as if she were manipulating the very fabric of reality itself. The one Mocha had gotten used to it, when he saw white glitches floating around.

In her hand, a bottle of antiseptic materialized with a soft pop, conjuring out of thin air.

"I can do it myself, Felicia."

"It's alright, allow me to aid you."

"You're being overly-" He whined but the creator knew the next word coming from his mouth.

"Protective?" She questioned. "You don't like it?"

His ears flattened aback, clearly annoyed. "No! Don't get the wrong idea... I just don't want you to spoil me much..." He sighed. "I'm a man and I can take care of myself. I don't want to be a spoiled brat."

Felicia dabbed the antiseptic with cotton on his wound, causing a slight hissing to escape from Mocha's lips.

"Shhh..." She hushed.

"Do you hear me?" He repeated.

"I know you're a man Mocha, and you'll always be my man." She wrapped the bandage around his slim finger. "You've taken care of yourself for your whole life, why not let someone pamper you for a while?"

"I know but... I want to contribute too... Like I want to give something to you in return!" Mocha looked at his finger and shifted his gaze above to meet her height. "I'm living rent-free in your house, doing anything I please... I don't want to turn like some... Some spoiled brat!"

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