Chapter 1: Prologe

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(HELLO! This is the writer for this book Lex that's related to the one whose started this project called the TheUnityMovies, this story is based on a group project that's been in the works for 3 years now. I was kind enough to help pitch into this project when Unity was explaining and letting me read over the script that's been putting together for a 3D animation of this project. In helping I wanted to turn this story on here to a novel of sorts but basically getting a broader audience opinion on what's needs to be change or added and such. The script was written by TheUnityMovie and TheGloriusPicture along with TheCoWriter. You can find there content on the website link on the profile. So enjoy the story and please let us know what you think so far! :) )

        In the deep dark galaxy started out with nothing, but soon became something bigger than the universe could ever imagined. What occurred was the "Big Bang" that happened to created a rift between two different universes as once. As I float through the cold dark sky I gathered that something was wrong. I then felt my senses and thoughts.

"The changed. I can sense it through every corner of every universe."

I said as I realize both worlds are about to encounter something very drastic that might be for the better good or the worse of its outcome. I look over at at my earth as it spirals in its normal route.

"This is Earth. Those who call it home believe in believes in a single universe, yet their understanding is flawed."

And this is where our story begins...

EXT. EARTH 97 - Gotham City

Through the night city we see Nightwing was riding through the night on his night cycle as he makes a contact with Batman.

"Batman this isn't looking good"

Night said in comms. We then come to hear another voice in call.

"We should call Superman"

Batgirl girl said in response. As the two disuss with Batman, Nightwing is under investigation of a wormhole being formed. Soon our famous Batman speaks up.

"I haven't seen anything like this before. Robin, Batgirl, evacuate as many people as you can. Everyone needs to leave Gotham City."

Batman commanded. Nightwing wanted to say something in return but comms soon start to go into static.


Nightwing exclaimed, but his response wouldn't go through as Batman start to fade into the static. Only one voice could be heard through it with a single response.

"Oh my god!"

Batgirl screamed as a gargantuan ship appeared from the wormhole out of no where as suddenly Batwing gets caught up in the warm and spins around out of control. As Batman tries to gain control of the Batwing he start to get in contact with the two other heros.

"I don't know if you can hear me as many people as you can. I don't think I'll make it. The batwing is catching on fire and the ship doesn't look too friendly. Just know that it's been an honor fighting alongside you both."

Nightwing yelled as our great bat hero dies in the great explosion. All went silent in calms as the shock was too much for Nightwing and Batgirl. After a few moments you could hear Nightwing punching something as he spoke up in comms once more.

"God damnit it Bruce! You should've let me fly..."

Nightwing said as you could ever so slightly hear him crying in the static comms. Soon enough Batgirl spoke after a moment.

"You heard him Night, we have to evacuate as many people as possible!"

She yells into comms. The ship that appeared in there world soon starts to fire projectiles at Gotham City as it destroys everything in its path.


Within the mysterious ship they continue to fire at the city and innocents. A large figure however was admiring the chaos and destruction that was being caused to the city. This figure is what we called the Mad Titan himself Thanos the one who won the war but from his own universe. Whatever he is here for none are certain, but soon all will be reveal in due time. Over the gander a Skrull watches as Thanos destruction rain around the city as they sigh of defeat obviously showing disapproval of what Thanos is doing here. As the Skrull looks over at Thanos he can see his beady glowing eyes while smiling devilishly while watching this universe fall to his knees as red energy starts to emourase  out of no where.


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 24 ⏰

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