Chapter 1

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(This is set in 2012 I'm using my own timeline, so the timing won't match the show. I'm just winging this story.)

"Oh come on Diaz, I'm only going to be gone for a month at the most." Evan laughs and rolls his eyes at his best friend as throws his duffel bag into the backseat of his jeep.

It was the beginning of summer after the two had graduated, Evan had suggested weeks ago that the two should go on a road trip but Eddie had declined. He had just found out he was going to be a father and didn't want to leave the mother of his child alone. Not like he had a choice, but Evan didn't know that. Eddie hadn't wanted to tell him yet because he knew it was irresponsible and Evan would call him out on it.

"Yeah, yeah I know." Eddie waved him off with a smile leaning against the front of the jeep. "I still wish I could come with you man." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. How he wished he didn't have to do the right thing and stay with Shannon who was carrying his child.

Walking up to the front of the jeep, the blonde leans against it next to his best friend. "You never did tell me why you won't come with me." He muses, nudging eddies side with his elbow. He had figured that the older of the two didn't want to upset his parents by leaving.

Clearing his throat, the brown haired man ran a hand through his hair. He wanted to tell his best friend his secret weeks ago when he found out, but he knew if he did it would feel even more real. "Because Evan," he started, turning his head to look at his best friend. "I can't leave Shannon behind." He continues taking in a deep breath before revealing his secret. "She's pregnant."

Evan's eyes widen as he pushes himself upright. "You're joking." He laughs. He didn't even know that his best friend had slept with anyone and they told each other literally everything.

Eddie looked at Evan and folded his arms across his chest, a firm look on his face. "Why would I joke about something like this Evan?" He asks incredulously. "It's not something I'm particularly happy about, let alone joke about."

Nodding his head, the younger of the two (only by a couple of months) goes quiet before speaking again. "Well congratulations I guess." He mumbles, suddenly not in a great mood like he was before. "I'm sure your parents love the idea of being grandparents." He says sarcastically.

Laughing softly, the older male ran a hand over his face. "Haven't told them yet. I'm not looking forward to that conversation." He sighs heavily before changing the subject, which was a good idea judging by the relieved expression on his best friends face. "So, you're going to Boston to visit Maddie first, right?" He asks even though he already knew the answer. He just wanted to get the conversation off of Shannon and their unborn child.

"Yep. And then who knows where I'll go from there." Evan shrugs. "Just ready to get out of El Paso for a bit, yknow." He had wanted to get out of El Paso for a while now, to get away from his parents. He'd spent his whole life under their disappointed looks and he had had enough of it.

"But you are coming back, right?" Eddie raises his eyebrows at his best friend. "You're not just going to leave me here alone?"

Rolling his eyes, Evan takes his phone out of his back pocket to check the time. He really had to get on the road. "You won't be alone, you'll have Shannon and your kid." He points out, a bitter taste in his mouth when he mentions Shannon. "But yes, I have every intention of coming back. I couldn't leave my best friend like that." He tells Eddie. "But I do have to get on the road. I'll text you updates and I'm sure Maddie will make me call you when I get there."

"Alright Evan. Be safe, okay? Love you bro." He says as he pushes off the front of the jeep and pulls his best friend into a hug, holding him a little too tight and too long. If Evan noticed, he didn't say anything.

"I will, love you too man." He smiles before opening the
driver's side door and climbing in. As he put the Keys into the ignition and started the jeep Evan couldn't help but think about the fact that his best friend was becoming a father and it made him feel unsettled.

After a few hours of being on the road, Evan decides he knew why Eddie becoming a dad bothered him. He was in love with his best friend and knows exactly when it happened.

It was 2009 and the two fifteen year olds were sitting on Eddie's bed doing algebra homework together. Evan had just come to the conclusion earlier that day that he had liked both girls and boys. He knew his parents were going to have an issue with it so he couldn't tell them but he wanted to tell his best friend, they told each other everything. "Hey Eddie?" He asks, making the older boy lift his head up from looking at his homework to look at his best friend. "Can I tell you something?" He asks, nervousness lacing his voice.

"Yeah man, of course you can." Eddie smiles and sits up straight, giving his best friend his undivided attention.

Pulling his lip in between his teeth Evan thought about how he wanted to reveal his newfound sexuality to his best friend. He decided to just rip off the bandaid. "I figured something out about myself." He started, Eddie nodding his head as if to tell him to continue. "I like girls and I like boys." He breathes out.

Nodding slowly Eddie takes in a deep breath. "That's cool.." he says. "I think I'm in love with Shannon. I think she's the one." He blurts out and Evan would be lying if he said his heart hadn't felt like it shattered.

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