1- The Vanishing Act

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Authors note:

At the start of every chapter, there will be a list of current characters in the chapters.

All the chapters are written to be short, so don't be surprised.

I don't post regularly, but I try too. This is my hobby, so I can't promise a  specific space of time.

I hope you enjoy the story.


Iseul Nabi Mashaba

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: Korean-South African

Age: 16

Ava Armstrong

Nationality and ethnicity: American

Age: 15

Nadine Ari Beaumont

Nationality and ethnicity: American


Kendrick Chapman

Nationality and ethnicity: American

Age: 17

Kenji Chen Miller

Nationality: American

Ethincity: Malaysian

Age: 16

In the bustling city of Evenshire, Issy is laying in bed. Her life was pretty routine. School, dinner, job, study, and repeat. Her full name is Iseul Nabi Mashaba. Her mother was born here, while her parents still lived in South Korea. Then they moved here after grandma finally agreed to move here. Her father is South African and met her mother in the states.

Iseul possesses a captivating aura that draws people in effortlessly. Her eyes, reflect the wisdom of her ancestors and the mysteries of her homeland. Her cheekbones are beautifully sculpted, highlighting her youthful yet timeless beauty.

Her style is a fusion of traditional Korean elegance and modern South African finesse, showcasing complex patterns and bold colors that mirror her vibrant personality. Whether enriched in a hanbok or a traditional African garment, she sparks confidence and grace with every step she takes.

Issy's inner beauty shines just as brightly as her outward appearance. She is compassionate, with a heart as deep as the ocean, always ready to lend a listening ear or a comforting embrace to those in need. Her laughter is infectious, filling the air with joy and light wherever she goes. She is a infinite fire of hope and inspiration, a symbol of unity and strength.

She is an only child but she has a dog called Luke. Her best friends is Ava Armstrong, Nadine Ari Beaument. Oh and Kendrick Chapman, almost forgot. He has changed over the years.

Iseul is laying in bed, on her PC reading the news. Since all the other things she had tried so far didn't work. Normally, people would be happy there was no news there. But not this time. Kendrick is missing, or vanished or gone or what ever other words she could thing of with the same meaning.

Kendrick mysteriously disappeared without a trace, at least not a useful one. He was a charming and adventurous artist, always on the lookout for inspiration.

The two had been inseparable since childhood, sharing a special bond that few could understand. Before she moved to Evenshire, she and Kendrick were neighbours. It was so perfect then. She even thought that Kendrick was the one she was going to marry.

Iseul, Ava and Iseul's boyfriend, Kenji, went to his house and found a cryptic note that read: "The canvas holds the key, but the strokes are not my own. Look beyond the colors to find the truth that lies in shadows. The shadows came alive on Tuesday. They whispered secrets only the forgotten know. If you're reading this, it means I could escape their grasp. Don't look for me, they will find you too.".

And his parents weren't there either. Shocked and confused, Issy felt a flow of fear and frustration. What could have driven Kendrick into this madness? Did his parents see the note, are they looking for him? The thing is ... they have contacted the police, but they keep saying it's nothing since his parents isn't home either. Determined to find out, she began her quest. She will uncover the truth behind the cryptic message.

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